Who is responsible for babies who survive their abortions?

Fairly straightforward, and although I anticipate that there will be variations by state, is there a generally applicable answer to the question? If a woman instructs a provider to induce an abortion, and the baby is born alive, who bears responsibility for the baby once the time has come to discharge it from the hospital?

The parents, just like any other live birth…

Huh. You’d think someone would get CPS involved, considering that at least one of the parents actively attempted to have it killed.

No I don’t. “Killed”? Sheesh.

A mod needs to move this because there is no factual answer possible–the only abortions performed within striking range of viability are done because the fetus is either so nonviable that survival is not possible or because attempting to carry to term will cause the mother to die.

I suggest it go to the Pit so we can all tell the OP what we think of the entire question, let alone the massive load of begged questions involved.

Perhaps “killed” is a poor word choice. The fact remains that the patient goes into the procedure without an intention to come out of it with the role of “parent” to the subject of said procedure (not to mention an affirmative intention to NOT have that role).

Is there really a state that allows abortion of a healthy fetus that’s old enough to survive outside the womb?


This response suggests the OP is intending to start a debate. This being the case, I’m going to close this and suggest the OP start a more properly framed question in that forum.

General Questions Moderator