Andros- I am not jesting. Fat Mo’s is the ultimate burger joint for the true coniseur.
It is delicious! Do not reject this!

And…(borrowing a page from ARG)
Have you accepted Fat Mo’s as your true burger savior?

We have met the enemy, and He is Us.–Walt Kelly

None of you live in New Mexico obviously, otherwise Lottaburger would’ve been mentioned by now (probably in the same multicolored 40 point font Daniel B. used). Blows most other fast food away. Typically there only a few items at each fast food place I can stomach:
McDonalds- French Fries.
Whataburger- Egg & potato taquito with cheese (please)- I know its not really a taquito but thats what they call it.
Jack in the Box- Ultimate Cheeseburger- only 950 calories (590 from fat!) and seasoned curly fries.
Checkers- the fries.
Taco Bell- Churros.
Wendys-Hamburgers are OK.
Burger King- Burgers, fries are much better now.
Hardees, Arbys, and Weinerschnitzel- no redeeming qualities.

Come to think of it, you can get THE FUCKING HORN DOG at Jack In The Box. It comes with fries and also is available in Kids’ Meal size with FUCKING HORN DOG action figure included.

“…send lawyers, guns, and money…”

 Warren Zevon

Byz - You’re in SLC, right?

The next time you are downtown, head over to the ZCMI Mall food court and order the chicken rice bowl from Edos Japan and then squirt some of that hot pepper sauce on the top.

You’ll change your mind about fast food. If not, there’s no help for ya, girl.

Coffee, chocolate, men . . . Some things are just better rich.


Did anyone notice that fast food joints aren’t inanimate objects anymore?

“Who” is the best fast food joint?

That’s all I have the strength for… Weary with the trollity of it all.

Most common question I ask: “What?”
Most common question I get: “Are you really hearing impaired?”

I mentioned Whataburger earlier, Torgo. :stuck_out_tongue:


“People’s Poet don’t die, we’ll kill ourselves if you do, but first we’ll take off all our clothes.” The Young Ones

Doesn’t anyone like Taco John’s? I could eat piles of their soft tacos…

Mojo: Dead cert, pal. Lottaburger, double meat, extra cheese, extra green, with a large fry and a cherry coke. Mmmmmmmm. . . . best in the world.

Diane: You’re right. For some reason the Edo’s in the Z is about the best mallfood I’ve ever had. Dunno why.

Diane and Byz (and any other Utahrns): Training Table?


“Listen Children Eternal Father Eternally One!” Exceptions? None!
-Doc Bronner

Taco John’s. Arn’t their soft tacos the product of the Piles.

Taco Bell. Burritos filled with dog meat.

Hey moderator! Nobody can flame in this thread. This belongs in Mundane Piontless Shit.

So start a thread in MPSIMS. I’m not about to inflict Horn Dogg on Patrick.

Lynn/SDStaff Lynn

What ?! You don’t think he would love The Fuc**** Horn Dogg/Kilroy as much as we do?

I am truely shocked ! :wink:

Ayesha - Lioness

I’m out of my mind, but,
feel free to leave a message