Tons of radio ads recently talking about how a city-owned casino in Chicago is going to lose money for our schoolkids or something.
I don’t really understand the reasoning, but at the end of the ad they say it was paid for by “The Coalition for Responsible Gaming Expansion.”
I googled, and the website is disabled, but they have a facebook page with 610 (that’s right! over 600!) ‘likes.’ That’s not going to pay the bills. Clearly an astroturf operation, but who are they?
It took some research, but I figured out what this is all about. It would have been helpful if the OP had discussed some of this so that we all know what the fuck is being discussed, but better late than never I suppose:
It seems that Springfield, IL is looking to build a huge casino that is somehow funded or backed by public tax dollars. The rich casino owners don’t want competition from a government-owned casino, preferring to keep things in their little cabal of rich casino owners, so they are opposed to this. The CRGE is their PR/lobbying organization to try and get public support to stop a publicly-funded casino and to keep all the casino money in the pockets of rich casino owners.
According to this thread on another site, it includes the mayors of Joliet, Elgin & Aurora – three cities that already have casinos and would thus be hurt by a new one in Chicago.
Their old website is not accessible via the Internet Wayback Machine.
It’d be hilarious if a casino owner-backed group is now claiming that a new (government-financed) casino won’t funnel promised cash into government programs.
Casinos promoters have been grosslyoverstating potential benefits for years.