Who Killed Jesus?

I’ve a question; what does “Lacunas Quell” mean?

Kanicbird, please say hi to Lacunas Quell.

Lacunas Quell, please say hi to Kanicbird.

Truly, you two were made for each other. If you could just please correspond with each other from now on, rather than posting here, in my opinion you would be doing us all (and each other) a favour.

Lacunas, in the early stages of this relationship you will have to get used to the fact that according to his own words and reasoning, Kanicbird is “a satanic demon intent on spreading nonsense”.

(Note to Mods: this is neither an insult of Kanicbird nor a case of ‘flaming’ him. It is a fact according to Kanicbird’s own words and reasoning. See an earlier post containing all the links that prove this is the case.

Kanicbird has also asserted that “Truths are above facts”. I have asked him about three times whether this is a fact but so far he hasn’t answered this simple question.

wtf dude? seriously…?

i think you have this thread confused with another one. this is not the petty argument thread. i put up with petty arguments a lot in my ex-forums… it got old fast. sure i had a few good laughs at the people trying to make me feel stupid… but i know i’m not stupid. i’m very learned. i was learned well in skool. huked on fonicks werked 4 me!

i’m not an idiot and i don’t appreciate you insinuating that i am one. why does it matter how i type? does the way i type change the meaning of the words or fail to get my point across? does it make me any less intelligent? i don’t think so… i think it shows i’m a little lazy… but it’s also the way i type. it’s my style. i like to do things outside of the norm. are you so desperate to get in the last word and have the last laugh that you’re willing to pick on me about such a petty thing? next you’ll probably start crackin’ jokes about my momma.

i am the creator of this thread. i created this thread… please do not tell me how to type or not to rant and ramble. if you actually read what i type you will notice it is not rambling… and it’s not even so much a rant. i believe i type very clearly and i believe i get my points across very well… most of the time. i have been ranting with you… but you provoked me to do so because you just won’t drop the fact that i don’t feel like stretching either little finger to either shift key on either side of my stupid keyboard. GOSH! please drop it already… if you haven’t noticed i will continue to reply to your childish accusations of grammatical incompetence (because i am well aware of when to use capital letters, i just choose not to)… and all my posts will likely be several paragraphs long. i’m sorry my thoughts are so complex that i can’t fit them into one sentence or paragraph… i really am. i just don’t know when to quit. i’m like the Energizer Bunny of typing… i just keep going, and going, and going, and going, and going, and i’m telling you now this is going to go on for a long time, and going, and going, and going, and going, and going, and going, and going, and going, and going, and going, and i wasn’t kidding, and going, and going, and going, and going, and going, and going, and going, and going, and going, and going.

i’m sure if i started typing like a little girl hopped up on adderall and ran all my sentences together and started picking on people about stupid things while drinking a yoo-hoo on a sunday morning in an online forum that i stumbled across hoping i’d find people who didn’t act so childish about the thoughts and opinions and beliefs of others that maybe just maybe tomorrow i can get lunch at arby’s cause that’s what i was thinking but maybe i’ll just go to the library and play in the playground in the sandbox and hope that i don’t cut myself on a piece of broken glass or a heroin needle because that would be really really bad and then i’d probably start rambling like a little girl hopped up on adderall and run all my sentences together and start picking on people about stupid things while drinking a yoo-hoo on a sunday morning in an online forum trying to get the point across to a certain individual that I KNOW WHAT RAMBLING AND RANTING IS AND I HAVE NOT DONE SO UNTIL NOW!

you, my towering friend, are the ranter and i do not appreciate you coming into the thread i created and ranting about the way i choose to type.

i also don’t appreciate you telling me what i do or do not understand. i know what dry humor is and i believe at times i use it quite well. i was taught that if you don’t know the meaning of a word or phrase or expression, to look it up. that’s what i do. my vocabulary expands by about a word or two each month(in case you didn’t catch it, that was dry humor).

does anyone, besides Argent Towers, have a problem with the way i choose to type? if i get enough posts by midnight on the second Tuesday of next week, i just might start using the shift key.

Yes. Four other posters in this thread have criticised your writing style. Not including me. One other poster has suggested you might get on well with kanicbird, which is just another way of saying you’re a nutcase. Virtually nobody has focussed on the meat of your OP and, the way this thread is going, nobody ever will…because of the way you type.

At some boards, you can get away with a cavalier disregard for the rules of composition. On this one, you can’t. That’s just the culture here and there’s not a damn thing you can do to change it. People appreciate tidy, well written, posts. My typing sucks and my first couple of posts were filled with spelling and grammar errors. Once I wised up (without it needing to be pointed out to me, I might add), I just started running my posts through a spellchecker first and, whaddayaknow? They’re much better, neater, and more readable, even for me.

Stick with this counterproductive posting style if you like, but don’t expect anyone to take you seriously.

Count me in. Some people are suited some boards. Some are not. If you want people to take you seriously here, you will have to comply with the conventions of this board. If you don’t want to, fair enough, but you’ll soon find you’re talking to yourself.

I have every right to post in this forum. That is why this forum is here. If you don’t want to read my posts, please, don’t even click on a thread that I have created. No one is forcing you to come in here. DO NOT tell me what I can, cannot, will or will not do.

It is so very pathetic, that instead of anyone actually trying to debate or argue, that you all pick on me for such a petty thing. Please present me with the facts that, and I quote, “inattention to spelling, grammar, and capitalisation, in a written medium, are clear indications that the author is either stupid or crazy”. Fact is, that IS NOT even a fact. That is your assumption. I am neither stupid nor crazy. Even if I were crazy, and I wrote a book without proper capitalization, someone would like it. Just because several of you have teamed up against me and my habit of not using the shift key when I should doesn’t mean everyone is with you. I guarantee you of that. All you people are trying to do is get under my skin because you don’t agree with what I believe to be true, so you are picking on me. It’s sad, really. I feel like the new geeky smart kid in second grade getting bullied on the playground by all the bigger, tougher, more popular students. I know perfectly well how to type properly and I try my absolute best to use an assortment of colorful words and proper grammar. I love words and grammar. I just don’t find it necessarily imperative to use capitalization just because people complain about it… but from now on, if it would please the people, I will use proper capitalization… just so you all will drop it. Of course, now the people will probably start picking on my love of the ellipsis… those bastards…

I would go over what you posted and point out several grammatical errors and a punctuation error that I noticed… but I have no desire to make a person feel stupid or foolish. If you correct your errors in another post I just might agree with what you said. That’s a lie. I won’t agree with what you said because what you said is bunk and not fact.

You all are being very critical towards me. You’re not even treating me like I am a human being with feelings. You have just stated that you believe I am crazy or stupid… or both. How is that right? If I were the kind of person who was easily offended (and believe you me, those people piss me off more than anything), I would report the way I am being treated. I, however, am not a cry baby like some people, and I can defend myself because I have confidence.

I am quite capable of proper spelling and grammar, so don’t get on me about that. I am also perfectly capable of proper capitalization, I just choose not to do so. It is not a crime to not use the shift key… and I GUARANTEE you that you’re little “fact” is nothing more than fictitious garbage intended to insult and/or offend me. That’s why I Googled your fact and that’s why I’m laughing at you.

If someone really wants to read my posts, capitalization won’t matter. Someone will read my posts and someone will appreciate it. That is a fact… because this is a world full of people and not all of them are cretins. Some people will enjoy the way I present my points and arguments. I’ve had compliments from people. Some people are actually amused with the way I type and what I type about… and some people genuinely appreciate the stand I take for what I believe in.

…or is it because I quote the Bible? I know that in forums, if you talk about Jesus, you might as well have the plague, because people will avoid reading your posts at all costs, yet find petty things to pick on you about. I know from experience. I’ve been through this kind of thing before.

There… was that courteous enough for his/her highness? Is there anything else I can do for you? Anything at all? Maybe give you a foot rub? Perhaps wipe your bottom? Would you care for a Hot Pocket?

By the way… this will be the only post where I use proper capitalization. If it bothers you SO much, then please feel free to f’ck off.

No, you do not understand what dry humor is. No, you do not use it quite well. If I were you I would just stop now and save face; if you keep this up, I guarantee you won’t enjoy the result of it.

Already I can tell that this is a person who in some way appreciates my post or who would like to strike up a conversation. This person did not say one cruel thing about the way I typed and this person properly capitalizes the third-person and possessive pronoun when referring to Christ. This person has respect.
Jesus did die when His work was finished and a soldier DID deliver the death blow. The soldiers would usually use their spears to break the legs of the crucified so the crucified could no longer push themselves up to breathe. However, the soldier noticed that Jesus had already stopped breathing, and instead of breaking his leg, the soldier drove his spear into Jesus’ side. This was to fulfill prophecy. Thus in the offering of the Lamb of God was fulfilled the law of the Passover, “They shall leave none of it unto the morning, nor break any bone of it: according to all the ordinances of the Passover they shall keep it.” Num. 9:12 There are also other scriptures, one in Matthew 4:6 that says “And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone”. That was Satan tempting Jesus to prove that what the prophecies said about God protecting Jesus’ bones so that none would ever be broken were true. A perfect sacrifice was required. A broken bone would have been considered a blemish on a sacrificial lamb. Jesus was found without blemish before God.

I truly believe that had Jesus not laid down His own life, He would have lived forever. Sin is the cause of Death. Since Jesus was without sin, there would be no natural way for Him to die. Sin had no power over Him. The only reason He died is because He laid down His life for His friends and enemies.

Well that’s regrettable. By and large, people here are generally very nice. Spend a little time in the MPSIMS forum and you’ll see plenty of the same people in this thread cracking jokes, or helping others out with their problems with compassion, or sometimes doing both simultaneously. You seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot in this thread, but I know for certain that absolutely nobody will hold it against you in future threads provided you take certain simple steps to make your posts a little more readable.

It is also the only post that I (and probably most people) will read all the way through. Look, we’re just telling you the way things are on this site. You can either fight it, and be ignored, or chill out and go with the flow. And nobody wants to take the first option. It’s up to you, man.

While i’m not particularly intereted in getting into the whole grammatical dogpile that seems to be forming - I don’t think it’s particularly proper to capatalize the third-person when it comes to Jesus. Names, yes, as with God, but using “He” and “Him” to refer to Jesus (or God) generally isn’t the norm outside of believers. And even including some.

I’m pointing this out not to say you’re wrong, but just to say that when I refer to Jesus or God as he or him I don’t do it out of a lack of respect, just out of a lack of belief. So when I do so, it’s not intended to give offense or to be insulting, and that, in general, I don’t think not using He or Him is an indication of lack of respect. Besides, those truly intending to show their lack of respect are usually a bit clearer about doing so than through grammar. :wink:

I have a quick question about this. Are there any books apart from the Bible which recount this soldier’s actions? As I understand it, the gospels were written 70-100 years after Jesus’ death and were written by members of his 2nd or 3rd generation of followers who had a vested interest in aligning Jesus’ life story as closely as possible to Old Testament prophecy. Without independent corroboration of the soldier’s actions, do we have any way of knowing that John (who, as I recall, is the only gospel writer to mention this incident) didn’t just invent this detail to make his tract more persuasive to non-Christians? Or, less controversially, do we have any way of knowing that this detail didn’t spontaneously arise over numerous retellings of the crucifixion story as it was passed from generation to generation before finally being committed to paper?

Lacunas, there are decaffeinated brands that are just as tasty. You may want to try them.

Funny thing, in the Iliad, it prophecies that if Achilles doesn’t go to Troy, he’ll live a long, unremarkable life, but if he does go to Troy, he’ll die there, but have a glorious life and be remembered forever. Then, he went to Troy, died there, and is still remembered to this day. The prophecy was fulfilled!

This is fine, as far as it goes, except that this is the forum for debate and witnessing.
If you are not submitting a thesis for debate
you are not attempting to witness for some Great Truth you believe you have found,
you really do not have any business postng to this forum.

Well, in my particular case, there are several things that I can do about it.

You have contradicted yourself. You claim to be posting only for your own enjoyment and now you claim that this is not the petty argument thread. Yet it is exactly that. When you post disjointed and largely incoherent ramblings, using an irritating style, in a forum dedicated to arguing, it is pretty much a guaranteed outcome that you will encounter petty arguments. You have posted no grand thesis to be debated, so the only thing left is petty argumentation.

There are a few rules in this forum, however. One is to limit attacks to challenging statements while refraining from direct attacks on other posters. You will, therefore, refrain from telling anyone to fuck off in the future.

= = =

That said, to EVERYONE ELSE, Lacunas Quell makes a correct observation in the last quote: no one is compelled to respond to this stuff.

Given the nature of this board, I realize that some number of you cannot resist picking at scabs or probing broken teeth with your tongues, but do recognize, up front, that you are all just playing the same game he is and don’t come back posting, (or reporting), in indignation when he does not change his style or go away.

[ /Moderating ]

Thank you for demonstrating your full capacity for thoughtful and intelligent discussion, civilised debate and fair reasoning.

You and Kanicbird are just made for each other.

Guys, LQ has modified his posting style in the last couple of posts. Why don’t we just start over?

I’m waiting for him to say Gotcha Ya.

The scriptures say He was already dead, so how could a soldier deliver a death blow to a already dead body, one that the Spirit had left. I’s true that the soldier intended to inflict a death blow, but could only release blood and water from the corpse.

The other points I am in agreement of.

My take on it is He died because we sinned, as we are made in a way that Jesus has to love us so intensely, to the point that He would be willing to die to get us back.

Principalities and powers (demons), operating both spiritually, and through people tried to contain Jesus (and His message), trying to trap Him, without much success at first as the Father was protecting Him because Jesus was following the Holy Spirit. Finally they were able to do so on the cross. Jesus was unable to physically move, most likely would have great difficulty talking, and surrounded by those who mocked Him, though his physical needs were being met - though in great torment, such as offered a drink when He thirsted. It could be said that the cross is a form of ongoing torment, not execution. The execution is another step. Trapped in this way there was no escape except through death.
This death happened interesting enough because He allowed a single devil in the flesh (Judas Iscariot) into his ‘house’ knowingly and breaking bread with the enemy. Jesus offered His body and blood to the 11 + one devil. IMHO the motivation for allowing a devil in was judged by God, and Jesus found blameless as His intention was salvation, as opposed to give into temptation as God looks at the heart. By allowing this single devil in Jesus accepted death (again IMHO).

Why does the OP think anyone here is interested in his ramblings?

Hello, Lacunas. Welcome to the board. You’re going to find some hostility here because, obviously, this is not a new topic. Other people have witnessed their faith here before so there’s an attitude of “we’re going to go through this again?”. Keep in mind that virtually everyone is aware that Jesus died on the cross so you’re not telling anyone something they didn’t already know. What I presume you’re trying to do is convince people of the meaning of that act.

The writing style isn’t helping your case. One of the conventions of this board is we like people to make the effort to write their posts well, including using proper capitalization, spelling, and punctuation.

And try to trim things down a bit. Don’t feel the need to put everything into a single post. Figure out what your main point is and post that. If you put too much into a single post, that main point can be lost in the crowd of words. You can always come back in future posts and add in other ideas as the thread grows.