Who should the SDMB pay to stay?

Sauron, Dante, Fenris, Scylla, RTFirefly, EllenFair are just a few I’d hate to see leave.

But then you would have to give up the sex to them.

That was your point.
Carry on.

Shirley, I doubt if6was9 would appreciate that, but if you’re feeling left out, I’d pay your subscription, too. I usually can’t wait to read threads you’ve opened or posted to.


…so several of you would pay to have sex with me, but none of you would pay my board fees? Or am I totally misunderstanding the responses?

Not sure whether to feel warm and flattered or hopelessly confused… :confused:

Just go in under their subscribed username after they fall asleep?

Eh, it works, doesn’t it?

I’ll say Badge as well…and me…you’d all miss me, right? Right?

For sure…

Dante, who absolutely cracks me up.

Hamlet, who’s even-handed perspective is extremely appreciated.

wring, for another liberal female slant, of the long-term variety.

And without a doubt, Scotticher, who has to be one of the sweetest people I’ve ever had the pleasure to ‘meet’ online.

Oooh, lots of those others mentioned where great too! Badge is, without a doubt, an invaluable resource. He rocks!!

Anyone who could create this most spectacular of threads should be given a honorary, lifetime membership. Go Cervaise!

That would be Qadgop the Mercotan, and I second your suggestion. He hits the trifecta of expert knowledge by being the go-to guy for prisons, anything medical, and Tolkien.

Polycarp for his knowledge of religious matters.

Anyone else whose knowledge about a subject being discussed gets people to post “Paging x to get them to show up in the thread, because you know the thread won’t be answered definitively until they’ve at least shown up to check it out. The two named above fit this description.

Wally should be paid to stay! He has monstrous seniority. He is the Legend of the Board. AnnieXmas should be paid to stay, too, just because of her interesting name.

UDS, for perceptive, objective social commentary, and vast knowledge of religion and Latin.


And all of the MMPers.

Ummmm, **Wally ** was killed in a freak work accident two years ago.
Unless I am being whooshed.

[ul][li]Polycarp[/li][li]Libertarian[/li][li]Bricker[/li][li]Cervaise[/li][li]Duck Duck Goose[/li][li]tomndebb[/li][li]Scylla[/li][li]Sauron[/li][li]Esprix[/li][/ul]And others.

Lots and lots of others.


No question about it. Dr. QtM, Qadgop the Mercotan!

Oh gosh. Some people have made me cry I have laughed so hard. So many people on the SDMB have really made my day. Everytime my brother looks at my in amazement when i crack up.
[comic book guy]
[comic book guy]/

As an avid reader/rare poster, the SDMB wouldn’t be the same for me without:
Eva Luna, for her INS expertise and just general great posting.

Diogenes the Cynic- bestill my liberal little heart, says so many things I don’t have the balls to say, but enjoy reading.

Scylla- blimps and a presented conservative POV.

…gobear, matt_mcl, Airman Doors, elucidator, Shodan, Apos, Coldfire…there are so many people who’s names have come up over and over in Great Debates and even Pit threads that I learned so much from. I came for the GQ, I stayed for the politics. My SDMB experience would be a different place without them.

Trying to think of a list like this has really made MrVisible’s point stand out for me. This forum is so great because of the content provided by people who will now be paying for the privilege of providing it. I still don’t mind having to pay, and I’m pretty sure I’ll be doing so when the time comes, but I can see his point alot better now.

So… I get a free ride, AND a free ride? Sweet! :slight_smile:

There are a lot of people whose names just make me think of this place. Shodan hit on a lot of them (and he’s one of them, for me). There are a lot of others, some whom I don’t see that often anymore. I’m afraid to name names, since you always forget someone and then they feel left out. And there are some very classy, wonderful people whom I’ve come to know through this board whom I wouldn’t wish to exclude. So just about everyone, if I could afford it.