Who was born on a holiday?

July 4 here

I was born on what was to become Yom Kippur in 1974 or 1976; I can’t remember. It’s irrelevent since I was born in 1969 and anyway, I’m not Jewish.

Valentine baby checking in.


If we’re going to count those, then you have to count MY birthday as a holiday too. (Although you don’t get the day off.)

I was born July 20, 1969. A few hours before Neil Armstrong walked on the Moon.

A small step for a man… a big giant PUUUUUUSH for Mommy!

Personally: Flag Day (June 14, 1964).

Our son was born on May 25, 1998: what was then Memorial Day. (And, boy will we remember that one!)

Our daughter missed July 4th by just a few days (June 28, 1999) and my hubby missed Labor Day by just a few days (August 29, year censored). My oldest daughter missed Halloween by two days (October 29, 1994).

So we either hit or just barely miss.

Whadda ya mean, nothing else?? My neice was born on June 8th. :slight_smile:

Zev Steinhardt

wring: So your birthday is the day before mine & your SO’s? :smiley:

Well, my birthday (October 29) is almost nothing special (we’ll get to that later). However:

I have one nephew born on July 4 (lots of fireworks for sure) and another nephew born on Labor Day (his mother went into labor… ha ha).

My father (not a veteran) was born on Veteran’s Day.

My oldest son was born on a Jewish holiday (Sukkos).

My wife’s birthday is December 12, which to many people is nothing, but to Frank Sinatra fans is a special day.

My sister’s birthday is September 21, which is often the Equinox

As for me, I was born on the 40th anniversary of the stock market crash of 1929. It’s also the day of Turkey’s national holiday. My birthday in the Hebrew calendar falls on the day that the Flood began.

My grandfather was born April 12, 1912, just two days before the Titanic sank.

Zev Steinhardt

Yep, President’s Day.

My mother went into labor on Labor Day, 1973. Technically, I was born the following day (Sept 4), but I do get a three day weekend most years for my birthday. :slight_smile:


St. Jean Baptiste Day.

I think that still counts after you work out the exchange rate.

Guys the freakiest thing happened just now. When i opened up this thread. (I was listening to the album "The Immaculate Collection…), the song “Holiday” came on. And this is about people born on HOLIDAYS. Alright that’s more VVC than Holidayish.

Btw, ain’t this an IMHO?

Alright i’ll state when i was born.
I was born 2 day after SK (and Carrie White), the same day as Bruce Springsteen, and the day before F. Scott Fitzgerald. (Not years, day.) Sigmud Freud and Robert Bloch died on my birthday. They should make the damned day a holiday just because of me. :slight_smile: Oh and i think its grandparents day.

There are an amazing number of Christmas birthdays. Does that suck as much as it seems it would?

I’m glad to see another groundhog in here Hamlet. Walt Kelly, a famous cartoonist of a generation ago, loved Groundhogs’ Day, and it was he who proposed it be a national holiday. If that do-nothing congress would just get off their butts …

Anyway, Zoggie, how do you figure this as IMHO topic? It seems way more mundane and pointless than subject to opinions. In fact, I’d challenge people to come up with anything more mundane and pointless than this thread, except I know from long experience that they would … and quite easily at that!

Does Election Day (every few years) count? (11/2)

I was born on Veterans’ Day. One of them real holidays that doesn’t wait for the closest convenient Monday or Friday to be celebrated. And now that I work for the local government, I get the day off too.

One brother was born the day after Christmas. Another brother has his birthday on Thanksgiving every few years. Another brother was born on Winter Solstice, and a cousin was born on Summer Solstice. Another cousin born on St. Patrick’s day (and he looks like the Fighting Irishman mascot of Notre Dame too!)

And my son’s birthday is sometimes President’s Day.

nope, the ‘other’ fiscal year date (October)

I wasn’t born on a holiday per se, but I was born on the same day as a highly significant historical event. :smiley: I hope that counts! I hate giving away my age, but will do so for the sake of revealing this unique thing about myself of which I happen to be quite proud. Although, I never figured out exactly why I’m proud - I didn’t do anything to precipitate it!

But I digress…

I was born 2 hours to the minute, and only a few hundred miles away from the eruption of Mt. St. Helens. Neat, huh?!

I was born on Mother’s Day, and have the same birthday as orion007.

Cool :slight_smile: before now I never knew anyone with the same birthday as me.

I was born on George Washington’s Birthday (February 22).