Who was it? Pitcher injured horsing around?

I think it was a 1960’s era pitcher. There was some horsing around on the team bus. Maybe cutting off his tie when he was injured. I believe the injury led to his retirement. Anyone know the name of the pitcher. Warren Spahn, maybe?

Vern Law?

I think we already answered this one.

Vern Law retired briefly when an arm injury (caused by favoring his bad ankle) limited his effectiveness. But he returned to baseball, having one of his best years in 1965 when he went 17-9 with a 2.15 ERA.

He pitched until '67.

The latest dumbass celebration injury has knocked a key Phillies reliever out of the NLDS.

I don’t think it’s fair to describe an athlete as a dumbass for checks notes jumping.

Mark Fidrych hurt himself shagging fly balls during batting practice. I remember Rusty Staub talking about it. He said he warned Fidrych, who was diving for balls and generally being reckless. Sure enough, he hurt himself.

Mariano Rivera blew out his ACL shagging fly balls before a game.

Brewers pitcher Devin Williams broke his hand punching a wall in a victory celebration.

Quite a few athletes who hurt themselves celebration-jumping on that list.

“According to Fox Sports, (Derrek) Lee entered the dugout amidst celebration, and relief pitcher Angel Guzman slapped Lee’s helmet-clad head, as baseball players are prone to do.”

“Except that the slap left Lee with neck spasms, forcing him out of that game and the next.”

Hard slaps to the helmet by teammates/coaches to “reward” football players for a good play are commonplace. I wonder how many such slaps it takes to trigger CTE, or at least a bad headache.

Players for the Green Bay Packers have been doing the “Lambeau Leap” – jumping up onto the wall bordering the seats – after scoring touchdowns, since the 1990s. As far as I know, no player has ever gotten injured doing a Lambeau Leap (or dropping back down to field level afterwards), but I imagine that it’s just a matter of time.

I don’t know… but there have been quite a few dumb-ass baseball injuries over time.

Weird Baseball Injuries | Men’s Health (menshealth.com)

My favorites are #10, #11, and #15.

Football, not baseball, and celebration, not horseplay, but Arizonal Cardinals placekicker Bill Gramatica blew out an ACL celebrating a successful field goal.

Apparently “celebration injuries” is its own topic.

Of all celebration injuries, those caused by dogpiles are among the absolute dumbest. Ohio State football fans (there are such) still remember losing star player Ted Ginn Jr. just after the start of their 2007 championship game when teammates jumped on him after he scored a touchdown (Florida won, 41-14).

Duh, gee, who’da thunk that being crushed under thousands of pounds of leaping football players could hurt anyone? It’s just high spirits!

*it’d be fun to see scientists leaping on Nobel Prize winners during the awards ceremony. Less chance of season-ending injury too.

I was hoping the DVD incident would be on there!

Steve Sparks injured himself attempting to tear a phone book in half to show off his strength.

David Wells injured himself kicking a bar stool.

Rich Harden hurt himself trying to switch off an alarm clock.

Joel Zumaya missed some time because he strained his forearm playing “Guitar Hero.”

Another celebration related injury