Who wears house/night caps?

In this thread, BMalion posted:

Quite recently my wife and I were kidding around with our kids, saying we were going to turn the thermostat lower and get his and hers nightcaps. But I don’t think either of us were in the least bit serious.

Just wondering - how many folk out there wear hats/caps while at home to keep warm?

My son used to wear a nightcap. It’s a knit cap made of white t-shirt material. He doesn’t have any hair due to Alopecia Areata and it helped keep his head warm in the winter. It was given to him by my mostly-bald father, who also wears them.

They’ve been lost and I probably should try to find a couple more for him.

I don’t, but I would. Our house is drafty in winter, and I’ve always just bumped the thermostat up a degree or two. I didn’t want to have to wear a sweater and other warm duds at home. Recently, however, I started putting on big, soft sweaters, thick socks and proper slippers. Love it. Feels like I’m in a cocoon. I’m thinking of going the cap route as well and dropping the thermostat to 19 or 20 in the evening and 14 or 15 at night. Currently it’s at 21/22 in the evening and 16.5 at night.

Of course, the real solution is to double the insulation in the attic and install insulation in the basement, but for the time being, I’d go with a cap. As far as I know, you lose an enormous amount of heat through the top of your head.

My wife is quite an excellent seamstress. I know she made a nice little cap for my son to wear as part of his Rev War re-enactment.

I might ask her if she is willing to make such a thing for me, and if she would find it unbearable to look at me while wearing such a thing.

This might be a stupid question . . . are those temperatures Celsius? Cause otherwise that sounds mighty cold.


My husband wears his beanie around the house and occasionally while sleeping (you know, a regular ski cap type thing). He’s always complaining about being cold, but he’s usually in a t-shirt & sweats. I’m always nice and toasty in my wool sweaters, so I don’t have to resort to a hat. We keep the thermostat at about 67-68 F and we’re in NC, so it’s not exactly frigid weather we get. Can you tell we have had a few discussions about this?

I wear a stocking cap in the house sometimes, because I’m frequently cold when other members of the family are comfortable. And because I’d rather throw on another layer than touch the thermostat.

I hanker after a ridiculous smoking cap, myself. Something with a tassel.

Not so much for keeping warm, but when I remember I’ll wear a thin fleece skullcap to sleep, to reduce the amount of grease/dandruff soaking into the pillow. I have rather greasy hair and skin so it helps quite a bit.

We keep the house pretty cool and winter is pretty damp, so I tend to wear fuzzy slippers (we don’t do shoes in the house) while upright and sometimes a thin skullcap that I think is intended for under-helmet wear that makes just enough difference that I don’t get cold at night. I hate having lots of blankets piled on me and with a little cap on I don’t have to.

Hm…I may need to look into sewing a lacy nightcap, just for fun!

My dad takes blood pressure meds so he’s always cold, and my mom’s in menopause so she’s always hot…so dad ends up wearing a toque and a bathrobe all day (along with his clothes, natch) so mom can keep the thermostat down.

So last evening I tried my kid’s cap. I liked it! Combined with my sweater vest, maybe I can piss the kids off by turning the thermostat down a nother couple of degrees. Plus, I had the added benefit of my kids telling me I looked ridiculous.

I’m really digging getting into this old-fogeyism!

Add a pipe and you’ll look like my grandpa c. 1968.

My mom demands a cold bedroom, so in the winter my dad will wear a tobaggon to bed along with his sweatsuit and woolly socks.

Pick up a pillow protector. I’ve got the same problem, and all my head grease just absorbs into the protector and pillowcase, which are both very easily washed.

Unless the weather is atrocious, my windows are open at home. I need fresh air. The window in my bedroom is right above my head. Depending on the season, I’ll put on a nice green Burton watch cap, a coolmax balaclava or a genuine Survivor buff at bedtime.

I wear a dorky looking satin sleep cap, but it’s for protecting my hair from grinding against the pillowcase and getting frizzy and breaky and tangly, not for warmth. My bedroom stays pretty cool, but I usually just pull the comforter up around my head, so only my face is sticking out.

I do, in winter, mainly because I don’t like having a heater on. The other reason is where there’s a draft and my head’s in the way of it, I can end up with neuralgia which is a sod of a thing to calm down again. Woolly thermal hats are wonderful.

Yes, Celsius.

You know what I thought when I read that, right?

(“Why would a large wooden sled keep him warm at night?”)

My daughter sometimes, but not always, wears a winter hat to bed at home. She doesn’t have a whole lot of hair, she’s young enough that she kicks off blankets in her sleep and doesn’t know how to put them back on when she wakes up cold, and her room can get very cold.

I wear a hat at night while camping, and it makes a huge difference in my warmth. But I don’t need one at home. If I had to pay for heat, I’d wear a nightcap and turn the heat lower at night. But we’re on whole-building radiator heat, so we’ve got no control over it anyway; the single thermostat is in my neighbor’s apartment.