Who would you go gay for?

I’d go gay for myself. We would have to stick to oral sex. But at least we wouldn’t have to concern ourselves too much with STDs. :slight_smile:

Wow–I am impressed, Handy!

Would RuPaul count as a guy?

Laura Prepon.

Ok Ji Young (or at least her character in “Take Care of my Cat”. I don’t know about the actress herself.)

That’s cute. Very, very cute:)

Who isn’t?

Being functionally straight, and seeing how the straight guys are largely deserting this thread, I guess I’ll have to pick up the beat.

Let’s see. Elijah Wood, obviously. I must have mentioned this half a dozen times on this board by now. Do you think I have a problem?

I’ll also second Ewan McGregor. Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones or Moulin Rouge, doesn’t really matter. I’ll pass on the Trainspotting one, though.

A circa 1980 Val Kilmer would be nice.

I’m getting increasingly attracted to Keanu Reeves.

Myself. Handy has a point.

Who else? Johnny Depp. Skeet Ulrich. James Randi, but that has very little to do with his appearance. 1977 Mark Hamill… imagine doing it with Luke Skywalker.

By the way, didn’t we just do this?