Starting with the start of a stable party system in 1836
1836: Daniel Webster
1840: William Henry Harrison
1844: Henry Clay
1848: Zachary Taylor
1852: Winfield Scott
1836: Abstain
1840: Abstain
1844: James K Polk
1848: Lewis Cass
1852: Lewis Cass
1856: Lewis Cass
1860: Stephen A Douglas
1864: George B McClellan
1868: Salmon P Chase
1872: Horace Greeley
1876: Samuel J Tilden
1880: Winfield Scott Hancock
1884: Grover Cleveland
1888: Grover Cleveland
1892: Grover Cleveland
1896: John M Palmer (National Democrats)
1900: Abstain
1904: Alton B Parker
1908: George Gray
1912: Judson Harmon
1916: Abstain
1920: Al Smith
1924: Al Smith
1928: Cordell Hull
1932: Franklin Delano Roosevelt
1936: Franklin Delano Roosevelt
1940: Franklin Delano Roosevelt
1944: Franklin Delano Roosevelt
1948: Harry Truman
1952: Adlai Stevenson
1956: Adlai Stevenson
1960: Hubert Humphrey
1964: Lyndon B Johnson
1968: Robert F Kennedy
1972: Henry M Jackson
1976: Henry M Jackson
1980: Abstain
1984: John Glenn
1988: Al Gore
1992: Bill Clinton
1996: Bill Clinton
2000: Al Gore
2004: Joe Lieberman
2008: Abstain
2012: Abstain
1856: William Seward
1860: Abraham Lincoln
1864: Abraham Lincoln
1868: Ulysses S Grant
1872: Ulysses S Grant
1876: Rutherford B Hayes
1880: James Garfield
1884: Chester A Arthur
1888: John Sherman
1892: Benjamin Harrison
1896: William McKinley
1900: William McKinley
1904: Theodore Roosevelt
1908: William Howard Taft
1912: Theodore Roosevelt
1916: Charles Evan Hughes
1920: Leonard Wood
1924: Calvin Coolidge
1928: Herbert Hoover
1932: Herbert Hoover
1936: Frank Knox
1940: Wendell Willkie
1944: Thomas Dewey
1948: Thomas Dewey
1952: Dwight Eisenhower
1956: Dwight Eisenhower
1960: Richard Nixon
1964: Henry Cabot Lodge Jr
1968: Richard Nixon
1972: Richard Nixon
1976: Ronald Reagan
1980: Ronald Reagan
1984: Ronald Reagan
1988: George HW Bush
1992: George HW Bush
1996: Bob Dole
2000: John McCain
2004: George W Bush
2008: John McCain
2012: Jon Huntsman