Who Wouldja Do, If You Swung The Other Way?

Mark Harmon.
Matt Damon.

Well, if I swung the other way, the only woman I can think of that I wouldn’t mind shagging is Jeri Ryan (Seven of Nine). Personally, I don’t see what you all see in Angelina Jolie. I think she is kind of ugly actually.


“The dead have risen, and they’re voting Republican!” - Bart Simpson

Emma Thompson

Katerina Witt

Can’t think of a third right now.

  1. Pat Benatar

  2. Pat Benatar

  3. Pat Benatar

Last time I said:
Deborah Duchene
Kristin Lehman
Jo Dee Messina

It’d take too long for me to think up any additions to the list.

Your Official Cat Goddess since 10/20/99.

SD chat:
<Jophiel> Kat’s here! the board must be down!

When the Hansons were real popular a couple years ago , the Mr. was fond of yelling “I’d like to be locked in a prison cell with the middle one” whenever he heard any discussion of which Hanson brother was the cutest. He also has an unhealthy interest in Dr. Frank N Furter (me, too). Myself…well, stretching the very boundaries of credibility…maybe Jamie Lee Curtis. Or that gal in “Species”, Natasha Henstridge (?)…

Well I can’t belive I’m going to answer this either, but if I did play for the other team it would have to be 1.Sean Connery 2.Antonio Banderas or 3.Richard Gere. And as for Pamela Anderson Lee…what a skank. Id rather do Madonna!

Sandra Bullock, I think :slight_smile:

“The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance – it is the illusion of knowledge.”
–Daniel J Boorstin

No problem dude :). But I gotta ask…Ricky Martin? Is it because of his plastic good looks?

Anyway if I were mostly straight (thanks dem):

Angelina Jolie
Gina Gershon

Falcon! I’m shocked! (looking up Debra Messing’s phone number…)

Ergh. Honestly, I have no idea…I don’t even know what’s supposed to be attractive in a guy. Although, when a gaggle of women are giggling over some guy, I’ve found that saying, “I’d fuck him,” is a great way of making them stop.

Eddie from Frasier


The duck in Friends

Hey, let’s talk swinging across the species line, OK? :smiley:

…send lawyers, guns, and money…

       Warren Zevon

Top-o-the list: Marlene Dietrich, and then, of course, Uma Thurman.
Emmylou Harris
Zora Neale Hurston
Flannery O’Connor
Jessica Lange, specially if she’d tote Sam Shepard along
Juliette Binoche


John Cusack
That dude from the Wallflowers. Jacob Dylan?

Not that… ahem… you know…

“I guess one person can make a difference, although most of the time they probably shouldn’t.”

Ashley Judd, if only to find out who waxes her eyebrows.

Madonna. I don’t find her particularly attractive, but I bet she’s a spitfire in bed.

A woman needs four animals in her life: A mink in the closet, a Jaguar in the garage, a tiger in the bedroom, and an ass to pay for it all.
—Zsa Zsa Gabor


Darn. I don’t get to play again! :frowning:

(Although I have quite a list of people I’d do if they swung the other way!)

Your Quadell

I can only think of one.

Dylan Mcdermott

Then he got up on top
With a tip of his hat.
“I call this game FUN-IN- A-BOX”
Said the cat.

-The Cat in the Hat

Well, I think its quite notable how high Angelina Jolie and Drew Barrymore (and too a lesser extent Gillian Anderson) rate on a large percentage of straightish chicks lists. They are attractive, but probably aren’t going to be a real common pick for most guys. They certainly would fall in most guys lists somewhere, but maybe in the second string roster. FYI, I’m not entirely basing this on this thread, those names are very common when I’ve heard this topic in many situations. I’ll never understand that female libido.

What would I do if I switch hit?

Wolf Blitzer. :stuck_out_tongue:

Definitely RuPaul

Whaddaya mean “RuPaul doesn’t count.”?

umm…OK, Jeri Ryan

Virtually yours,


Andie McDowell
Meg Ryan
Faith Hill McGraw

I’ve learned that if someone says something unkind about me, I must live so that no one will believe it.