Whoopi Goldberg -- Apparently there really are Fifty Ways to Leave your Lover

When I was that age I thought it was important as well. I no longer do.
I get what you’re saying, sometimes it can be an issue. Especially in regards to possible pregancy, disease etc. But just the number of people someone has been with is meaningless.

I wonder if there would be a different reaction if it was a woman thought of as conventionally “beautiful,” such as Halle Berry?

Stop and think for a minute. For several of Whoopi’s years, she was working the comedy club circuit. Three or four shows a week, where she was joking frankly about sex with a roomful of drunk people, hey, it’s no surprise that at least one guy in each audience wanted to date the funny, sexy lady who made him laugh. She probably brushed off more guys than she dated. Only fifty? I have to admire her restraint. :cool:

When I was working at a theater where Whoopi was performing, she was having a heavy duty relationship with Timothy Dalton…and I believe she also had a fairly long term relationship with Frank Langella…so it is not exactly like she has been slumming with the local crack dealers.

More power to her! Others should be so lucky.

I know Barbara Walters dated Roy Cohn. That’s got to be be hader to justify than pulling the train in a trailer outside the gates of Fort Sill.

Timothy Dalton/Whoopi Goldberg isn’t a match I would have envisioned. (Frank Langella on the other hand seems oddly like a match.)

I actually think it would be worse. Pretty women like Halle are put on pedastals. God forbid they use their looks to get some ass like their hunky counterparts do.

It’s a little hard to believe the radio folks were genuinely shocked; probably just playing it up.

Doesn’t seem a remarkable number at all, for somebody who’s been in show business for decades. And, she’s a sexy, really talented woman.