Whoopsie! 190,000 firearms U.S. gave Iraq security forces are missing

We were obviously making sure the Iraqi insurgents’ right to keep and bear arms was fully realized. C’mon people, we’re fighting for something here (other than oil and because George Bush has to prove his pee pee is big).

So that means that something like 10,000,000,000 or 10 Trillion AKs have been made? Did I do the math correctly?

The math, yes, but we call that a billlion, not a trillion.

Since, as I’ve learned from many people on the SDMB, a proliferation of privately held firearms in society makes for a safer one, it’s clear that this is all part of the US’s great plan to rain peace down upon the heads of the Iraqi people. Why the bitching?

Yeah, Mark Foley’s. It was in the lap of a Congrssional intern at the time.

He’s the Commander in Chief. It’s all ultimately his responsibility. Maybe starting with the fact he got us into this stupid war.

I bet those are way better than the handmade Pakistani version.

Last I checked the Pentagon isn’t a part of the Iraqi Security Forces, and the U.S. Government Accountability Office isn’t part of the Iraqi government. So why did the GAO bother to write this up in a report, and why is the Pentagon still bothering to keep track of the other 70% of weapons that haven’t been lost? It seems as though they believe they are somehow involved in the process of controlling those weapons.

Yeah, especially NOW! Isn’t this attitude towards misplaced weapons ever so slightly nuts? “Shit, there were 75,000 land mines in this armory yesterday, and somebody just waltzed off with them! Oh well, it’s not like there aren’t thousands of them lying around anyway.”
Billions of dollars delivered into a war zone and vanished, 190,000 rifles gone… This is going to be black comedy gold for some future satirist. At some point before this is all over, I fully expect to learn that U.S. forces have been accidentally feeding, clothing, and supplying prostitutes to the enemy.

Some people have been Bush apologists for so long now that it has become as natural as breathing, and seems to require just about as much thought.

Have you checked if we have, in fact done that in Iraq?


We certainly havn’t. But we tried to. As you may recall, we fired all the old troops. Which created a situation with many angry jobless men of military age and training with nothing to do.

This was clearly wise.

Cite for the privately held, as opposed to cabal/militia-held?

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

And maybe the cabals haven’t gone through an IPO yet. :wink:

I suspect that the request for a cite was one that showed that the majority of weapons held in Iraq were held privately vs. by militias and cabals. OF course, there is the problem that we can’t even get a reasonable handle on the number of deaths occuring in Iraq these days let alone any idea on the number of weapons regardless of who owns them.

Few on this Board, however. Some, but definitely fewer than in 2004. The remainder have at least the value of interesting specimens.

Apparently, it’s because a goodly number of Iraqis equate a “safer society” with “dead American soldiers”.


I was calculating true AK’s, about 100 million. There are a hell of a lot more (ex. Chinese AK’s, Romanian AK’s…)

Big Fucking deal. It’s a fucking war. Guns get lost, stolen or destoyed. :rolleyes: Anyone have any figures how many weapons we lost in Nam? How about WWII? :dubious:

Generally, I think it probably is a big fucking deal when your fucking guns get lost or stolen during a fucking war. When the enemy is using those stolen guns to kill you, it’s an even bigger fucking deal.

When you find a reference that nobody cared if their guns were stolen during WWII, let us know.

Please tell me, were you surprised that comment came from, DrDeth? :dubious: