Who's Kilroy???

OKay I did not even bother to look this up and I’ll take any little snippets that may follow for my laziness, but Who’s Kilroy? Let me explain…

Through out the entire song “Thank You Mr. Roboto” I keep hearing “I’ve got a secret”. Then finally at the end we finally hear “I’m Kilroy…” Well Thats the secret, but should I know who Kilroy is???

Is Kilroy by chance a reference to that Kilroy was here craze that started with the metal workers like in the pre World War era? OKay and I know there was an article right here: http://www.straightdope.com/mailbag/mkilroy.html but I don’t think it mentions the song in it.

So Refering only to the song Mr. Roboto, who’s Kilroy

Happy New Year btw

This site on Styx’ music has one interpretation:

Hope this helps.

Here are some links I found



not completely sure of their authenticity but they make some sense (although I think I heard of the name and phrase used earlier, in the early 1900’s)