Who's the bald guy?

I was watching part of the Queen’s Jubilee last night, and I saw him again. The same strange bald guy I’ve seen playing percussion on every benefit concert since Live Aid–no, not Phil Collins. This is the guy standing behind the congas, playing tamborine, and doing that annoying mallet cymbal-roll all through the piano/guitar part at the end of “Layla.” Who the hell is he, and why is he on stage with Clapton, Winwood, et. al.?

It’s probably Ray Cooper.

Found a picture of Ray here.

If it’s Cooper you’re referring to, he’s a top-notch percussionist. I saw him back up Elton John many years ago. The whole “band” consisted of just the two of them. They put on a good show.

That’s the guy. Mucus grassy-ass!

I had that once. Gold Bond powder clears it right up.

Fook Ray Cooper, didya see Ray Davies !! Looked on damn fine form to me.

The OP isn’t the only one who things that Ray Cooper (a veteran, highly respected, highly sought after-session percussionist) looks a little odd. Many people saw him for the first time in Eric Clapton’s “MTV Unplugged” show, and his appearance made an impression.

I recall, a few months after that “Unplugged” show aired, Mike Meyers and Dana Carvey were promoting “Wayne’s World 2,” and they appeared on the same stage where Clapton had done “Unplugged.” They sang a song called “Wayne’s World” to the tune of “Layla.” At first, it’s just the two of them singing, with Meyers playing guitar. But a few verses into the song, they hear a rhythmic, tapping sound behind them… and there’s Cooper, looking as odd as ever.

Meyers and Carvey started singing, still to the tune of “Layla,”

Wayne’s World…
Who’s that weird old dude?
Wayne’s World…
Playing the tambourine?
Wayne’s World…
He’s really freaking me out…