I normally wear disposable contact lenses; keep them in for a couple of weeks, and then replace them.
The past few weeks, though, my contacts have both ben trying to liberate themselves from my eyes. If I put a fresh pair in, everything is great for a day, but the next day they’re floating, clouding, and seemingly struggling to pop out of my eyes. Evewn if I take them out and use glasses for the night, and put them back in in the morning, they’re back to rebelling again.
I wear -8.5 lenses, so switching to glasses permanently really isn’t an alternative.
I wonder what has changed to make this happen.
Are you spending more time on-line or watching TV? people forget to blink with contacts sometimes.
Have you taken up smoking?, changed heat setting on the central heating? Air conditiong vent blowing in your face at work? Switched from baths to showers?
Perhaps you moisten your eyes with fluid so much that your eyes dont lubricate themselves as much.
I’m already planning on a trip to the opthamologist after my health insurance starts in January.
The disposables … it could be a bad batch. Time to order some new boxes, I guess.
My lifestyle hasn’t changed much in recent weeks. I’m employed again, but the contact problems began a couple of weeks before I started. I don’t watch much television, I spend quite a bit of time online, but not more than in the past.