Why are the Clintons more scandal prone than Obama?

Are you questioning adaher’s intellectual integrity?

Point me towards it, and I’ll give it a go.

Yeah, wait until they get to the Hillary wore white after Labor Day scandal. That one’s going to sink her.

The Clintons think they are self-entitled and believe they are serving a greater and grander cause. Mere rules don’t concern them. They are the Clintons. Don’t you understand how lucky we are to have them? How lucky we are that they are working to make our pathetic and small lives better?

That attitude leads to problems every time. They really believe the rules all public officials follow dont apply to them.

Hillary especially has grown more and more paranoid throughout her career. Every political attack leaves her more guarded and distrustful. She won’t ever candidly speak about anything.

This entire email mess could have been mitigated by a sincere “I screwed up” speech from the beginning. But thats not how she rolls.

I’m not disagreeing but - as opposed to which other candidate we’ve seen in this race? Sanders? Trump? Anyone else on the GOP bench? Maybe O’Malley or Kasich, but who knows what they would have been like had they actually had a chance of winning.

You have to think a lot of yourself to run for President, and humility is a rare trait in that breed. Hell, half the GOP candidates thought God personally told them to run, which is a whole other level of personal delusion.

That was last year BTW.

What I do see is that once again Republicans do not see that hey should leave the criticism that the FBI gave Clinton to speak for itself. The Republicans can be counted to step on their dicks as usual.

That’s sweet. That’s sweet that you believe that you believe that.

I’m curious how you have such personal knowledge of the Clintons. How long have you known them?

She had no choice but to lie.

Well, for starters, they do more scandalous shit than Obama. That doesn’t help, nor does it help that they keep doing it. Bill Clinton is like your slightly skeevy uncle, the sort that is a blast to have at parties but you would watch warily when he’s around your daughter’s friends. I mean, the guy did cheat on his wife in the Oval Office with a girl half his age, possibly while his wife was in the same building. Who here believes that Lewinski was the only one? Most of the time, a guy like Bill Clinton would be Buddy in Friday Night Lights, owner of the biggest car dealership in a city of 300,000… a force in local politics, and owner of 50 acres somewhere. In this world, he was able to charm his way to the forefront of global power… but he’s still a woman chasing car dealer at heart, just wanting to be loved by everybody.

Hillary is his socially-climbing wife, recognizing in him… really, both recognizing in each other… qualities that make them better than the sum of their parts. Usually, this role is satisfied once the family is economically safe, but with Hillary her ambition has been plain since before she met Bill: She herself wants to be the first female President of the US.

And it’s this combination of trailer park skeeviness and naked ambition* that makes the Clinton’s prone to scandal. Combine this with being severely burned early in 1992-95 with a bunch of self-inflicted crap (Paula Jones, DADT controversy) and the beginnings of the Right-Wing Hate Machine which continues today in unrelenting fury and, yeah… they are going to be investigated for as long as they are a force in America.

Regardless, in the end, they brought this upon themselves, but their personalities and how they fit certain archetypes don’t help.

I’m still going to vote for her though.

*I’m a big fan of ambition so I have no problem with Hillary deciding “I want to be President” and then making it happen. I think much of what goads a lot of people is that a woman and a mother should have the unmitigated gall to be as dedicated to a career goal as was Ronald Reagan or JFK or FDR or her very own husband. And, you know, fuck people who think like that. Losers.

I was in high school when Bill ran for his first term as governor. I followed their long career in state politics closely. Hillary has always been a polarizing figure. Strongly disliked.

Totally opposite from Bill. He comes across very likeable. I voted for him consistently. I will probably vote for Hillary only because the alternative is so much worse.

I think it’s because Bill had problems keeping his dick in his pants.

Obama has been the target of Karl Rove and his “make shit up” or “blow things all out of proportion” hate machine for quite a bit less time than the Clintons. That’s all. 8 years vs 24 years.
Bengazi? Nada.

Emails? OK, Hillary made a mistake- same as her GOP predecessor.

Fast & Furious? GWB started that type of shit.

And so forth.

Interestingly enough, someone in today’s hearings pointed out that Colin Powell, in his book, mentioned hooking up his personal laptop and doing the same thing Hillary apparently did. Wonder when the Republicans will have hearings on this one?

Because the Clinton’s are more corrupt than Obama. Obama’s scandals tend to be along the line that they are trying to push an agenda and do so in a ham fisted manner. The Clinton’s on the other hand are not ideologically motivated but are instead motivated by desire for money and power.

I don’t disagree with the critique, but I don’t think the Clintons have to be pure, either. The Roosevelts and Kennedys weren’t pure, and they were still basically good for the country. They’re narcissistic and have an outrageous sense of entitlement, but they make an effort to deliver the goods.

I voted for Bill twice and plan to vote for Hillary, and I actually believe that this is the simple and true answer.

The Clintons have certainly proved they know how to govern, which is something I’ve argued many times Obama does not know how to do. But I wouldn’t compare them with the Roosevelts or Kennedys either. Well, at least Bill hasn’t killed a girlfriend, so maybe the Kennedys are worse.

Don’t know why you argue that. Longest continuous economic growth in history. Deficit reduced. No new wars. Just imagine what would have happened had Republicans not vowed on Inauguration Day 2009 to murder his presidency in the crib.

Congress reduced the deficit, Obama wants more spending. A lot more. No new wars? Were there troops on the ground in Syria under Bush? Longest continuous economic growth? We had more under Clinton, actually, and it was better. We went nine years between recessions in the 90s, we’re at seven years now, so we still need three more years to beat Clinton on length.