One of the major arguments that gay-rights advocates present is that homosexuality isn’t a “choice”, but a hereditary characteristic akin to hair or skin color. This is, as I understand the current scientific consensus, probably correct. However, it appears that gay rights groups place a lot of weight on this point. I may well be mistaken, but if this is so - why bother?
It seems entirely beside the point to expend resources trying to convince people that homosexuality isn’t a choice. The reason that gay people should have the same rights as straight ones, and be protected from discrimination, isn’t that it’s an inborn condition. The reason is that there is nothing wrong with being gay - and since there’s nothing wrong with being gay, it simply doesn’t matter whether it’s choice or genetic or what have you. No one would ascribe any moral weight to the color of my hair, and no one cares whether my hair color is the result of genes or dye - why don’t gay rights groups focus on driving that point home? Why take on the additional, and needlessly distracting, scientific fight?