It appears the “CBS memos” purporting to detail the special treatment Bush received in the Texas ANG have been discredited. It’ll be interesting to see whose desk that particular trail leads back to. But the fact remains that Bush got special treatment simply by getting into the ANG, and the special treatment likely continued throughout his service. Even the wingnuts don’t waste much time arguing otherwise.
The speculation always seems to be that Bush left flight duty because he was just plain shiftless, or had drug problems. Perhaps. But there is another plausible reason: noncombat flight duty, especially training, is dangerous. Planes go down all the time, and ejecting from a disabled plane is very risky. It’s known that Bush supported the war in Vietnam but declined to volunteer, which indicates a certain lack of character. I speculate that Bush, a proven chicken, got a taste of the risks of military piloting and decided he didn’t want that, either. So he flaked and took off for Alabama to take a phony-baloney desk job working for his daddy’s friend.
The wife of a friend of Bush senior testifying as to Bush Sr’s motives in allegedly moving young Georgie around? That’s two rounds of hearsay, a little mindreading and a spot of supposition. This kinda crap doesn’t mean anything except to the true believers - to convince the US public, you’d have to do a lot better…
Here, here! Far too much time has been wasted on the “military records” of the candidates.
Let’s talk about the economy. Let’s talk about trade policy. Let’s talk about tax policy. Let’s talk about the environment. Let’s talk about health care. Let’s talk about [insert your favorite domestic issue here].
And it that isn’t enough to wear us out, we can go on to discuss various aspects of the foreign policy of boy George.
Totally. The Dems, or I should say Kerry are losing the election with all this bullshit. Didn’t Bush totally flip flop WRT nation building? How about pointing that out assholes!
Yeah, yeah. Nice job. I’m sure that your unbiased and neutral judgement, as presented in the OP, will cause a flood of voters to abandon Mr. Bush in his re-election bid.
I am enjoying myself more and more each day, as I read the increasingly desperate postings from you lot, trying to convince each other that things will turn out as you wish.
Righties: OK, so John Kerry is a combat veteran, and *technically *a “decorated” veteran, but we can scare up a handful of people with personal grudges to make unsubstantiated accusations as to just how shiny those decorations really are! Lefties: How *dare *you? YOUR candidate weasled his way out of even GOING to Viet Nam, and even then he was drunk and AWOL!
**Righties: **So what? Voters: Hmm. Very convincing argument. We’ll take the party boy! woohoo!
I don’t know. I think it’s some sort of apocalyptic post-Leave It to Beaver cosmos.
Occasionally I wonder if many voters, hugely puked over how trite, petty and meaningless politics has become, are deliberately picking the lesser of two chickenshits in hope of monkey-wrenching the whole operation. Hell, some days I think like that.
I think it’s pretty obvious that, for young Dubya, the TANG was the first time he was required to actually perform in a meritocracy rather than slide by on his family connections. So he found a way to weasel out of it.
Good thing he never found himself in that position again! Whew… imagine if he had been elected President or something! :eek:
Gah. Why the hell do you guys let the Bush team do this to you? I mean, other than block-headed stubbornness. Do you realize that there is going to be an election? That the people voting don’t give a shit about this crap? You are such fucking weebles. Karl Rove is playing a game of “I’m not touching you!” and you are screaming bloody murder. And all you’ve done is piss off everybody at the beach who is sick of hearing about it.
I already made my suggestions, and you’ve said basically that I’m a loon, so whaddaya got?
That is exactly like what this whole entire fucking election feels like to me. Both sides are pushing this stupid fucking bullshit that has nothing whatsoever to do with how either man will perform as president. From taking things out of context to flinging so much mud some of it has to stick to when did you stop beating your wife, it’s all stupid fucking bullshit. I’m sick of it, and I wish the election were today.
This country hasn’t had a clearer choice of direction to take since 1972, and all these characters want to do is set fire to the road map. Did I say stupid fucking bullshit?
I’d like to live in the world you guys are describing - an informed, engaged electorate carefully weighing the candidates’ characters and proposals against the vital issues of the day, rendering a dispassionate, intellectual judgment as to who is best for the country. But, to paraphrase Twain, you “don’t know Arkansaw.”
I know what you mean. I never believed in Bizarro World, but looking at the way the political debate has gone this year, I have to wonder wtf is going on with American voters. Whatever you think of the Bronze Star, there’s no denying Kerry was a combat veteran who did get wounded in the line of duty. Contrast that with Mr. no-show drunken wastrel. How the fuck does this comparison even come out close to even? And if the election is about character, why are voters ignoring this shit?
And to me this is one of the most interesting / nauseating aspects of this election cycle. With only minimal rephrasing this was the exact argument I heard eight years ago.[Jack Web] Only the names of the political parties are changed to protect the innocent[/Jack Web].
It seems that partisan politics, and selective memory trump martial virtue, for both parties.
Your selective memory must have missed the fact that Clinton never ran on his millitary record, having none and all – that was strictly a Bush talking point that the Dems successfully ignored. Further use of your memory may dredge up the fact that 9/11 hadn’t happened back in 1996, so martial virtues weren’t so stressed.
OK, it’s official. I no longer give a fuck about what either guy did in the 60’s and 70’s. Or 80’s for that matter.
I’ve reached my limit. You could come across genuine documents that prove that Bush ate babies and Kerry wipes his butt with the American flag while shooting heroin and it won’t make a difference anymore.
I would be happy if there was a gag order prohibiting ANYONE FROM EITHER SIDE FROM SAYING ANYTHING ELSE!!!
I’m voting for Kodos.