Why can't I go out in public without getting a splitting headache?

This drives me crazy, because I can’t figure out how to keep it from happening. Whenever I go out shopping, I end up with a splitting headache after about 30 mins or so. I can’t tell if it’s the lighting, the chatoic design of retail establishments, the overstimulation of other people pinging around or what. It doesn’t matter if it’s a huge, overwhelming Big Box store or if it’s a small and soothing boutique.

Anyone else experience this? What IS it?

Probably all of the above, especially the lighting. If it took longer to develop, I’d nominate dehydration. Some people go to the mall and shop for hours (which can actually be quite strenuous, lots of walking and rapid arm movements) and don’t stop and drink something 'til they get light headed.


Other people?

I vote dehydration. Also, if this is a new thing that popped up in the last 3 months or so I say the larger numbers of people out and about cause much more noise and chaos than normal times of the year and that could be part of it too.

Yeah. Shopping sure makes me want to drink.

Stress. Wear your sunglasses and chill.

What’s your caffeine situation?

Fluorescent lighting can give me migraines, so I’d say the lighting is a good possibility. At work, I have to have the bulbs over my desk pulled. And then I put up pieces of cardboard in a couple of places on my cubicle walls to keep the lights over other desks out of my peripheral vision. Every once in a while, one of those pieces of carboard will slip, and I won’t notice. I’ll start getting headaches every day and wonder what in the heck is going on, until I remember to check the cardboard.

Fortunately, I don’t seem to have the problem quite so severely in stores–I think because the ceilings are higher, and I don’t get a direct hit of the bulb in my eyes.

Try wearing dark sunglasses the next time you go someplace this usually happens. Yeah, you’ll feel like a big dork, but it will let you figure out if it’s the lights.

I suggest checking your eye-wear. If I don’t wear sunglasses and it’s bright out, I’ll get a headache from the eyestrain. Also, I used to get really bad headaches after driving, before I got my glasses - I’m farsighted. It’s a condition that can creep up on you, so perhaps a vision check is in order.

I used to get an unfortunate case of, ahem, irritable bowels whenever I went shopping, especially the bookstore. (Those poor bastards at the bookstore probably cringed when I walked in the door.) I’m pretty sure it was guilt over spending money. Anyway, since stress is an inducer of IBS, I’d say that it could definitely be a trigger for headaches.

For me, the reason’s simple.


Low blood sugar? I get a slight headache and feel tired after shopping for a long time. An apple helps.

Do you spend your time doing up-close things like sitting in front of the TV or computer, or reading, or even gardening?

I wonder if you’re developing near-sightedness and don’t notice it until you’re doing things that make you have to look around more.