Why Can't I Put Someone On "Ignore" outside of the Pit?

Maybe we should get everyone on the board to put @Love_Rhombus on ignore, but split it up to ten the first day, 20 the second day and and so on to see if 20 generates 2 notices, 30 generates three notices etc. You know, just for science.

And we’ll all solemnly swear to un-ignore him once the data is gathered. :crossed_fingers:


. . . And can you, can you imagine fifty people a day, I said FIFTY people a day walking in, putting @Love_Rhombus on ignore, and walking out. And friends they may thinks it’s a movement.

And that’s what it is, the Alice’s Restaurant Anti-Massacree Ignore @Love_Rhombus Movement, and all you got to do to join is put @Love_Rhombus on ignore the next time it comes around on the message board.

I love it when a plan comes together!

Huh? Did you hear something?

If you want to ignore someone, you can simply not read their posts. Therefore, it seems to me that, if you can’t ignore someone without having some kind of ignore function to do it for you, then you are really using it to control yourself more than the actions of the other person.

I prefer to let computers keep track of things so I don’t waste my precious braincells on remembering which [censored]s don’t deserve any more of my attention whatsoever. There are too many of them out there and I’ll take whatever automated help I can get.

No, no, no! We’re doing this purely for the benefit to science. Some of us like sciency stuff. Now, which day should I put you down for? We are already up to 10 days of users ready to ignore Love_Rhombus so you better sign up quick!

Even if I only wanted to ignore Love_Rhombus, I’d still use the ignore function because I’m lazy like that.

I agree with what @Jasmine says in general about the ignore function. I don’t believe she is addressing this supposed experiment.

If you have to regularly use the ignore feature it would appear that you are triggered easily and have trouble moderating your own responses in reality or in this virtual world of message boards.

And maybe some people just don’t want to waste their time reading people spewing bullshit.

Yep, I only have a few people on ignore and it’s not because they trigger anything for me. They are the people that spout their favorite lectures in every post, whether they are relevant or not. Time after time after time. They may as well be bots. There is a reason I don’t read the Politics forum and I don’t want to read their crap when they bring it into the forums I do read.

And it’s not a left/right thing. I’m an atheist lefty and 80% of my ignore list is left wing posters.

That would only make sense if the only thing you were concerned about was accidentally saying something immoderate. I’d argue most of us have enough self-control not to do that—if we didn’t, we’d wind up suspended or banned.

No, the ignore list is more about (1) not wasting time and (2) choosing who you interact with. Both of these things are easily accomplished in real life by just not hanging out with a particular person, and avoiding them in situations where you’re together. You can’t as easily do that on a message board. The ignore feature makes it work.

In real life, I can just avoid and a particular unpleasant person. While I can control how I react, I can’t control how they make me feel when I’m around them. That initial emotional reaction is not something that you can control. The same is true online. The way I can mitigate this is to “avoid” them by putting them on ignore.

Sure, I can “skip” posts. But I can’t completely not read them. I am literate, after all. Words that I see on the page automatically enter my brain. Plus then I’d have to actually remember who the posters are, rather than forget about them like I do in real life when I just don’t hang around an unpleasant person.

“I do not like thee, Dr Fell,
The reason why I cannot tell.”

It’s not a case of “triggering”. There are some posters I just don’t like, or don’t want to hear their same nonsense spouted, or don’t like their avatar. Just like in real life, if I don’t like someone, I don’t have to have any interactions with them.

I think that actually works both ways: We also can’t ignore other posters.

At least, I think. Though I’ve never actually tried.

I have found the avatars to be helpful in skimming past those, reducing the need for an ignore list. This is particularly when their obnoxiousness is in only one or two forums and not the rest.

Is there really someone you have on Ignore just because of their avatar?

(If it were me, I’d want to know if my avatar were bothering someone that badly.)

We do have an “ignored/muted” Report, I check it occasionally.

It isn’t really at all surprising to me though.

Only 1 top user doesn’t correlate to lots of flags also.

We had a user who was being ignored due to their avatar. They changed it. I no longer see them on the report, so it must of worked.

I also see at least one poster on the list that is still active that isn’t high on the list any more. I had noticed they’ve improved as a poster. So it appears others have noticed also.

I don’t think I ever used the ignore function here on the Dope. Which is probably good, as now that I’m a mod, I can’t.

Two, actually. I just don’t like the images. Not going to say anything; too much drama likely to ensue.

How could Hobbs upset anyone? :grinning:

I don’t think that @DesertDog is saying that he ignores people because of their avatars; I think he’s saying that he chooses to skim past certain posters (without actually using the ignore feature) for other reasons, but that avatars help him to recognize those posters at a glance.

Yes. Sorry if that was not clear.