Why can't they make frozen pizza that tastes good?

Not only does frozen pizza taste like flavored cardboard, but it does not even reheat well the next day. You would never pick up yesterdays pizza and eat it cold if it was a frozen pie.

Nothing like real… but I like Amy’s (organic).

I’m with **Guinastasia ** regarding Stouffer’s French bread pizzas. YUMMMMM. I like the pepperoni and mushroom.

Hell yes I would. DiGiorno’s four-cheese cold makes a fine breakfast.

If I have to choose between a peanut butter sandwich or a frozen pizza - any frozen pizza - the pizza is ALWAYS going to win. Even though technically it’s an item that only resembles a ‘real’ pizza, I can’t remember having an actual bad frozen pizza.

Why would there be any left over pizza? I mean, like ever?:smiley:

For frozen, I like Freschetta, though I still add extra cheese, and maybe some pineapple tidbits (you can never find frozen pizza with pineapple on it!), and probably hit it with my Italian Herb Blend grinder at the end.

BUT I only buy it when it’s on a good sale. Freschetta is pricey; for the cost of two (which is what it takes to feed my family), plus the cost of extra toppings, add in the time it takes me to make it, I might as well order carry-out.

In the refrigerator case, there are personal-size deep-crust pizzas under the brand name Mama Rosa’s (don’t know how regional these are); I don’t care for deep-crust pizzas to begin with. But these are dirt cheap, easy to warm up, and I try to keep a couple on hand to toss at the kid for lunch on a Sunday afternoon or something.

I forgot about Mama Rosa’s! They used to sell thin ones in the stores here, but I haven’t seen them in a while. I thought they were excellent. The large size was much better than the small size. … I remember when Mr. Food was on the air, he made a ‘Chicago Deep Dish’ pizza using a cheap-o frozen pizza as a base, baked in an iron skillet. It came out more like a casserole, there were so many toppings.

I love those, but they don’t seem to be stocking them at my grocery store anymore. :frowning:

I’m kind of a fan of Tombstone…I love how the edge of the crust bakes into a crunchy cracker-like texture. Yum.

Frozen pizza with pineapples is available here in Canada. Rising crust Hawaiian, I just can’t tell you how good it is.

That I would definitely buy! Mmmmm.

DiGiorno pizza is actually really easy to open; it’s one of the few that doesn’t need to be cut. For round pizzas, look for a rounded tab of plastic jutting out from the edge-- this is an easy-open tab where the plastic layers are separated, and you can just pull them apart to peel the top sheet of plastic off. Square DiGiorno pizzas (garlic bread and fire-baked thin crust) have a similar opening method at the corners, though the tabs are a bit smaller and aren’t as obvious.

DiGiorno’s makes a “Garlic Bread Crust” pizza that’s the equal of delivery, in my opinion.

I buy DiGiorno’s and California Pizza Kitchen pizzas when they’re on sale, and then I doctor them. Sometimes a little shredded cheddar, sometimes some grated Parmesan. Sometimes some veg. Depends on the pizza.

Is it as good as delivery (or pick-up, since I live where no one will deliver)? Well, no. But it’s not bad at all. And it’s cheaper, which matters to me a lot at this time, and it’s easy, and some days I just can’t manage to produce the four-course well-balanced meal. Y’know?

I’m not sure if I’ve ever had a frozen pepperoni pizza that I didn’t like. Party Pizzas are some of the best dining a person can have, IMHO.

Yep. I’ve been very happy with Newman’s 4 Cheese and their Margherita. Freschetta is usually a good bet also.

I’m also very fond of the CPK Barbeque Chicken pizza. Not as good as fresh, obviously, but quite good. My main concern is that I want to eat the whole thing at once, which is like 80000 calories.

For anyone here who is in the state of Texas, H-E-B’s Central Market frozen pizzas are excellent. Still, I believe one has to have an acceptable level of expectations of what you get with a frozen pizza. There are alternatives and if you don’t like frozen, don’t buy 'em! :slight_smile:

Home Run Inn frozen pizzas are excellent; I very nearly prefer them to “real,” except for some of the best stuff in my area. I’m not sure you can get it outside the broad Chicago area.

Totino’s pizzas are great, but they’re pertty far from “real” pizza. I’d argue that they’re almost in the realm of “pizza-ish snack” rather than actual meal. They’re clearly not actual food, tasting mainly of preservatives, chewiness, and semi-generic sweet and savory flavors.

I vote for Totino’s or Tony’s…doctored.

I always add extra pepperoni (what is with all frozen pizza that they only have 5-10 tiny little rounds of pepperoni?) and a little never frozen mozzarella to “glue” the pepperoni down. Makes a nice quick hot lunch.

See, I like them cooked about 2 minutes MORE, and then I’ll even put the broiler on for a couple minutes so that the top gets browned a little bit, and then those things are heavenly, especially the ‘Hamburger’ ones. So much tastiness for around a buck when they’re on sale.

You just have to make sure you don’t wonder too much about what kind of meat that hamburger actually is.

I love frozen pizza - the cheaper the better. I actually am not a fan of DiGiorno or Red Baron. I love Celeste, Totinos, Jenos, etc. Then again, I also love Domino’s thin crust and apparently that makes me a freak of nature.
HOWEVER, my bad taste in pizza aside - if Schwann’s delivers in your area, go online and order some of their pizza. For a depressingly short while, my boyfriend’s brother worked for Schwann’s so their mom always had their pizza in her chest freezer. It was the best frozen pizza I’ve ever had. Everyone else agreed with me so it wasn’t just my low standards. Their mom is particularly picky about frozen pizza and she was over the moon in love with it.

Actually, we ordered a fairly large amount of Schwann’s frozen food and it was all excellent. I’ve considered going back to them even though we don’t have access to the discount any more.