Why did they re-do the Stargate SG-1 titles to look like they were made in 1990?

So I’m watching the new half-season of Stargat SG-1 on Sci-Fi. They get to the opening titles … and they have some crappy CGI animation of the stargate spinning that looks like it was made on an Amiga. Wha? Why? The old close-ups of the gate looked great! The thing actually looked all spooky and ancient and crap! Why F up a good thing that’s already been paid for?

To allow for more commercial time. I hate the SG and SG:A opening bits.

Then again, the Shark has jumped through the Gate long ago.

Stargate: Atlantis is at the point of re-treading Stargate and has been re-cycling Star Trek plots. Not a pretty sight.

At some point, they’ll re-cycle Farscape plots too.