Why do American Jewish voters favour the Democrats?

In another thread, Simplico states


Well, it’s been that way for maybe a century, but the main reason was that the Democratic party strongly represented city dwellers, and most Jewish voters lived in cities. There are other reasons, too, but that was the start.

Many Jews identify with being socially liberal. In addition, the Christian evangelicalism of the right can be quite a turn off.

Much of it has to do with the fact that most American Jews, even the richest and most professional ones, are only a few generations removed from working class immigrants who were heavily involved with labor unions. Democrat = union, and union = righteousness. Belief in the democratic party was handed down from these working class people to their children, who still retain it.

I will repeat what I’ve heard around certain dinner tables, etc:

Because the Democratic party is condescending to minorities and ultimately serves to make them remain underprivileged, dependent on other wealthier classes and persists in having them labeled as poor, bound to a subset in life. All this helps to define who is the upper class and who is forever the lower class, and this fits the elite Jews just fine.

This is not my opinion.

Anyone who says that is an idiot. It doesn’t explain why Jews supported the Democratic party even at the turn of the 20th century when almost none of them were “elite” in any way. Unless, of course, the person saying it believes that Teh Jooz have always secretly been running the country.

I’ve never heard such a thing. What a bizarre world view.

I doubt this will stay in GQ much longer, as there is little to discuss that is not opinion.

Jewish cultural values tend to be more liberal. The story of the Jewish people for the last thousand years or more has been one where education and community have been highly valued, and also one where it is obvious that life isn’t fair – there are powerful forces working against your best interests, and the best you can do is work against or around them, and maintain close ties with your community for support.

This first part I’ve heard before, under the broad category of right-wing “helping people is really hurting people” memes.

That must be an interesting dinner! Almost nothing in that entire quote seems to tare with reality.

Another theory:

Because the Jewish faith is one that is uniquely inclusive (only ~15m Jews, ~1/240th the number of Christians and Muslims), and as such have been a minority in the majority of communities in which they’ve lived, they support the uplift of minority groups and the inhibition and fracture of the majority. With numerous minority groups and strong minority protections, “the iniquity of the Shoah will never again be possible”.

(This is diametrically opposed to Jews’ policy in Israel.)

Then the people you have dinner with are extremely stupid.

Interesting that nobody mentioned anti-Semitism. While the other posts - obviously excepting Philster’s - are most of the story, it’s also true that anti-Semitism was overt among large segments of the country for most of the last century. Even so, many of the areas towards which upwardly mobile Jews aspired - colleges, professions, clubs, neighborhoods, buildings - were controlled by the upper-class Establishment, which was overwhelmingly Republican. The sort of people who referred to Roosevelt as “That Man” and a “traitor to his class.”

The Democratic Party had its faults and ethnic divisions, but normally was far friendlier to Jewish politicians and actively sought Jewish voters, which the Republicans seldom did.

It’s a situation similar to gay voters today. They are also overwhelmingly Democrat. Despite the Log Cabin Republicans, extremely few politicians can be out and Republican and that affects voting patterns. It’s not the whole story, but it’s an important part of the mix.

I’ve heard it said that many academics and intellectuals tend to be left leaning. Some Jews seem to place a high value on learning and education, and end up being very highly educated. Could there be some sort of connection there? I’m sure there are many right wing academics and intellectuals too. I’m not trying to imply either group is inherently correct. This is all pure speculation and a WAG, but just thought I’d toss it out there.

The Christian right and their desire to enshrine their religious values in secular law makes us nervous. We’ve seen what can happen to Jews in societies where religion and secular law are too closely aligned, and it ain’t good.

When President Richard Nixon was not in public and among staff members he openly and regularly disparaged Jews for being Jewish. This included such disparagement in front of Jewish staffers. It is well known among Jewish people and also well known that during and after the Nixon administration Republicans have either been silent or far too mild in the criticism of this bizarre institutionalized hatred.

But the Christian right didn’t really become a political force until the late 1970s.

And you’ve also seen what can happen to Jews in societies where religion and secular law are completely separated (USSR) and it also ain’t good.

Actually, pretty much anywhere in the world for Jews ain’t good.

They made that into a movie called My Dinner with Adolf.

Why do American Jewish voters favour the Democrats?

As noted previously, it relates to a long-term identification with liberal causes including protection of minority rights and unionization of labo(u)r.

And it’s part of the historic Jewish scheme of promoting Communist dominion while simultaneously controlling capitalist enterprises and wealth.

Well, the Jewish population have been traditionally thought of as being smarter than the average American. :stuck_out_tongue: