Why do Europeans seem so ungrateful to the US

And if it weren’t for us, Europe wouldn’t even have a Disney park. SHOW SOME GRATITUDE!!!

Well, I am slightly lactose intolerant.

I’ll take yours, too.

ETA: Not that stinky stuff, though. I guess the Europeans can keep that.

That’s the real mystery here. That and the OP’s weird notions of how gratitude works.

It’s just supposed to be a French stereotype from an angry Scotsman. But I guess it is kind of ironic in light of, among other things, the state of Wisconsin.

If you’re a man you can. And it only takes a few minutes.

She’s so funky, yeah. Sorry wrong thread for that.
So, doesn’t like most of Europe still owe the U.S. reparations for WWII? Our economy could sure use the cash right now, just sayin’.

An illegal Scottish immigrant, at that.

My name is Kimballkid and I approve of this message.

No one likes us, I don’t know why

You hate all of America because there are a lot of dipshits?
Way to stay open minded. :rolleyes:

I’ll try to only hold that against you and not the rest of your countrymen. :smiley:

You know who else was ungrateful to the US for all they did in WWII?


Yes, you can.

I thought etv was doing his best Otto impression from A Fish Called Wanda.

Otto: Don’t call me stupid.
Wendy: Why on earth not?
Otto: Oh, you English are so superior, aren’t you? Well, would you like to know what you’d be without us, the good ol’ U.S. of A. to protect you? I’ll tell you. The smallest fucking province in the Russian Empire, that’s what! So don’t call me stupid, lady. Just thank me.
Wendy: Well, thank you for popping in and protecting us.
Otto: If it wasn’t for us, you’d all be speaking German! Singing “Deutschland, Deutschland über alles…”

But apparently he was serious.

We’re not all like that. Really.

Goddamn Europeans with their Rennaissance and Cultural Developments and all that other shit that made our Society possible. Fucking ungrateful bastards.

See you, and raise you a Kingston Trio-Merry Minuet - YouTube

Well, the aqueducts are nice.

Yeah! Why do we let the Europeans make their own health care and labor laws? Shouldn’t we at least put it to a(n American) vote?

Otto: You know your problem? You don’t like winners.
Archie: Winners?
Otto: Yeah. Winners.
Archie: Winners, like North Vietnam?
Otto: Shut up. We didn’t lose Vietnam. It was a tie!
Archie: [going into a cowboy-like drawl] I’m tellin’ ya baby, they kicked your little ass there. Boy, they whooped yer hide REAL GOOD.

yawn Been there, done that.

blah blah blah, you {Europe and USA] should all be thanking Australia. We have fought in all your damn wars and without us you wouldn’t have won… well you probably would have but fuck it this is the pit!