53-year-old male here. I’m familiar with the trope of middle-aged men having to get up several times during the night to piss. Our urogenital systems are aging, I get it. I’m no stranger to it.
However, when I try to take an afternoon nap, the problem is turned up to 11. I can barely nod off for five minutes before I’ll have to piss RIGHT NOW. Then I piss, go back to sleep, and five minutes later, I have to piss again. Repeat until I give up.
I don’t get why my urogenital system punishes me severly in the afternoons but not overnight. Best I can figure, it’s trying to tell me not to be such a lazy bastard and find something to do. That, or vasopressin or something. FWIW, if I’m active (like at work or whatever), I don’t have this problem.
What gives? And is there anything I can do about it?
I had a similar issue and asked my doctor about it and was referred to a Urologist. Turns out I had an enlarged prostate which is now being treated with meds and my problem went away, for the most part. YMMV.
We’re the same age and I recently had similar issues. Went to the doctor and it turns out that I have diabetes. Once I got my blood sugar down to manageble levels the problem has mostly subsided. Your body may be trying to purge itself.
You may want to get a full blood panel done to check on your sugar, sodium and potassium levels as well as liver and kidney function.
Your issue may not be urologically related at all.
Edema is the generic term for fluid build up anywhere in your body. If you lie down and feel an urge to sit up, this can be an indication of heart or pulmonary issues.
When you get up to take a piss, that may seem to help. What happens if you just stay sitting up? Do you still need to piss?, or is it only when you lie back down? If it is only when you try to lie back down it is not uroglogical.
Not being comfortable laying down for more than an hour and feeling the need to sit up, was my first indication of heart problems.
I second possible pre-diabetes. I ain’t got but my mom had, and while she obviously had no prostate, many times I’d be on my way into the bathroom in our small house & the door was locked; but also, we’d be watching a movie and she had to go then too. Sure enough, it was diabetes. I’m so paranoid about it but no sign. FWIW the thing to watch ain’t the glucose on 1 day, but A1C - it’s a 3-month moving average of blood oxygenation by-products; good value is < 6.0. Obviously if even non-fasting glucose hits > 300 on 1 day, it’s coming at you. Aside from exercising every day, low sugar, low carbs, high fiber & high good fats are known to prevent or prolong. Look up Ikaria & the Blue Zones, the Med diet looks like the healthiest along with the Okinawan. Obviously, no smoking, drinking or drugs - the news stories about runaway obesity & diabetes in the West don’t mention those.