When I read aloud to my kids, I can’t stop yawning. It’s a constant interference, even if I’m reading an interesting story. Anybody else do this and/or know why it happens?
I do this too. I also tend to yawn at almost always the same moments when singing out loud. I remember saying “Why do I always ****** yawn at this point in the song!?”
I am guessing it’s do do with the constant talking resulting in shortness of air, as opposed to normal talking where we get to pause while the other person talks. When we are singing or reading out loud the pauses are not long enough.
I thought I was the only one! How interesting.
Seems scientists have no idea why we yawn at all, let alone why we yawn at specific times or during specific actions.
From what we do know about yawning it’s certainly a social device and it helps heighten alertness, so maybe you’re unconsiously trying to keep your kids’ attention from fading by yawning, and thus waking them up more?
Being a former music student, I’m wondering if the diaphragm breathing method isn’t being utilized.
When you use more breath than you’re taking in, you tend to want ot (or do) yawn. Why? I don’t know. But proper breathing helps.
Practice. Breathe in very deep while resting a hand on your diaphragm. Make your diaphragm go down as you expand your lungs. Imagine the air filling up the absolute bottom part of your lungs. After a while, the yawn reflex is much easier to control and occurs less often.
Now, let the sex jokes begin.
btw, the hand on the diaphragm is just so you can feel it moving, be aware of it, etc… You’re not moving it with your hand.