Why do sinusitis symptoms get worse after exercise?

I’ve been to a doctor and I’m taking medication for sinusitis.

One thing I’ve noticed is that my symptoms (sneezing, running nose) become worse after I do my daily run. While I’m running I feel fine, but after I stop I usually start sneezing intermittently for the next ten minutes or so.

What gives? I’ll bring this up the next time I see the ENT, but I was hoping there might be an easy answer out there.

Are you drinking more water when you run? Perhaps the extra water intake is loosening up the mucus in your sinuses. Physical agitation breaking things free? Heavier more humid breathing, like the water, loosening things up? Otherwise I’d chalk it up to increased blood circulation.

There’s also increased respiration involved, too. And it doesn’t go back down immediately after you stop. I could see you breathing hard enough that you instinctively try to breathe through your nose.

And then there’s also the possibility of running getting more dust or allergens in. And those are much more irritating when your system is already irritated by an infection. That’s probably a more GQ style answer, since the paragraph above is just a WAG.

The colder weather contributes to drippy noses, too, and it’s probably fairly cool in NY this time of year.