Why do the Chinese repriated north Korean refugees

What motivation do the Chinese have to catch refugees from North Korea and send them back to North Korea? What do they stand to gain from doing this exactly? Is it just because China & NK have been allies for 50 years, or are there other reasons?

I’ll deposit $0.50 into the paypal account of the first person who catches all of the spelling and grammer errors in the title.

Seems to me from their point of view the NK refugees are illegal aliens, and since China and NK are allies it doesn’t strike me as incredibly surprising that they would send them back, particularly given China’s own record on human rights.

Note that I do not support North Korea’s behaviour, but you were asking what motivation the Chinese have.

My guess is that if it became common knowledge in NK that China wouldn’t extradite them, the entire population of North Korea would attempt to cross over, giving China a MASSIVE refugee population to feed as well as a pissed off, unstable neighbor with nuclear weapons. There’s nothing for China to gain by granting asylum.