Why do we have money?

Why do we have it and do we need to continue to use the system?

I heard some people talking about why do we need to pay to live on the planet.

Are you asking about currency, capitalism, or something else? Because the thread title made me think the former, but your last line made me think you’re asking about capitalism in general.

I guess it’s more like why do we use money and do we have to pay for things?

We use money because it’s convenient. Without it, the only way to get stuff (aside from just taking it) is through barter or exchange of trade. That gets inconvenient when you need a sheep but the only guy who has any sheep only wants a new musket or iPad Mini in exchange for one.

Money allows you to negotiate on a price in dollars (or whatever) for the sheep and the guy can then go spend that money on an iPad later.

This is a much more efficient and convenient way to organize an economy.

Any particular reason we don’t just provide things for free with people?

Because everybody will want to take rather than make, and soon there will be nothing to provide.

What job do you work in? Would you do it for free? If not, how would it get done at all? What would happen to the people who want [whatever it is that is the output of your work]?

Let’s say you work as manager of a pizza restaurant. People should get pizza for free, without money - are you still going to run your restaurant for nothing?
Your pizza oven breaks down. You need an engineer to fix it - but why should he want to do that for nothing?
He needs parts manufactured in a pizza oven factory - but who runs the factory, and why? Why would anyone bother running a factory for nothing when they could be out eating pizza instead, for free?

When we have this…

…we won’t need money any more.

Until then, we do, for most things.
Although people already do plenty of things for other people without demanding payment. It’s just that it’s dependent on the contributor to volunteer the work or goods – you won’t get very far demanding an iPhone for free just because of your vague philosophical objection to money.

You might like the Culture science fiction novels by Iain M Banks.

Let me guess…you’ve just started a Sociology 101 unit with Marxist Theory as the main subject??

A succinct commentary on Marxism (and for me, possibly the most apt and insightful four words ever spoken in the history of the world on any subject) came from sociobiologist E.O.Wilson, a myrmecologist:

Or he’s reporting back to his planet on hyoo-mon customs.

…and upset about interplanetary roaming charges?

Okay, can I have your car?

Who would provide these things, and why? What happens when 10 people want a sheep but there are only five sheep available?

Actually maybe everyone has misunderstood your point here. You are saying that we should pay money for people, but there should be a free gift when you buy a person?

Great quote, but I didn’t understand it until I looked up the word “myrmecology”. Machinaforce, I suggest you look it up too; it might help you understand your question from another point of view.

It certainly would be a reversal of the current state. I got a Free Nelson Mandela once.

You think too small. I got a Free Tibet, myself.

Oh, grow up. I was six when I asked my dad the same question. At six, it’s a reasonable question. Not so much beyond that.

But the shipping and handling were extra.