Why do white people like to eat bloody meat?

$5 says the OP never comes back.

I’m a black person and I like my meat medium.

It’s all about the juiciness. I don’t like meat that is so dry and hard that I choke on it. A well-done burger is a choke burger that requires a lot of condiments to swallow down. Plus, you just swap all the burnt-up E. coli for [heterocyclic amines](heterocyclic amines).

I like blackened hotdogs. But not burgers or steaks. It’s not that I want them pink and “bloody”. I just want them tender and juicy.

I lived in Japan, had every kind of sushi. There are some kinds of bluefish sushi that taste genuinely strong and fishy, such as saba (a kind of mackerel). But what you say is genuinely true.

Tori-sashi, or chicken sashimi (it’s not sushi unless it’s combined with vinegared sushi rice). I’ve indeed seen it on the menu at various places, but I would never eat it. I got a nasty case of campylobacter at a yakitori joint that seemed clean and was actually cooking the chicken…

It may be more of a socioeconomic or regional thing. I grew up in Rural Texas and then in the suburbs, mostly with families from small towns. It seemed that medium well done was the default and rare was associated with the upper class or with people from out of state.

I like my steak well done; grey throughout. And I’m white.

White guy, I like my cheeseburgers well done. Haven’t had steak in who knows how long.

Blood, hot & fresh from the jugular, none of that chilled blood bank stuff.

::cough:: join date ::cough::

Having just braised the hell out of some eye-of-round steaks that were on sale for suspiciously cheap, and then left in the back of my fridge for a little while longer than I intended…

IMO, only the best and much more expensive cuts of beef are good when cooked on the rarer side. And they’re typically better either when really fresh or properly dry-aged.

Most cheaper cuts of meat are tough and chewy unless cooked long enough to let the collagen melt.

“For now…”

What could that mean?

This is almost like asking why black people like watermelon, fried chicken, etc.

I, as a white person, like my steak rare because I used to eat it well done-- then I watched FoodNetwork. I saw the judges saying “this is overcooked!” So eventually I was influenced (brainwashed) by the media to eat my steaks at least medium rare.

Maybe blacks don’t watch FoodNetwork.

Furthermore, maybe Blacks don’t watch FoodNetwork because they’re too busy being shot by the police, or watching the news about how a Black was shot by the police.

I’m not a moderator, but my guess is that the IMHO mods might decide that it’s better suited for Cafe Society.

The better the steak, the rarer I like it, as long as it’s hot all the way through.
Yeah, I’m white.

Maybe the real question is, do black people eat steak?

We (white people) actually do eat a lot of meat well done. Think of things like roasts, chicken, barbeque, certain cuts of beef and pork, and many preparations of fish.

Things the become steak, though, become steak because they’re suitable for becoming steak. Pork shoulder doesn’t make good steaks, but rib primal makes awesome steaks. The same characteristics that make it a good steak also make it easy to eat while “undercooked,” i.e., in a more delicious state of existence.

How would you reply to a vegetarian who can’t understand why someone would knowingly gnaw on the flesh of an animal? I’d reply to such a vegetarian the way I’ll reply to you: because it’s delicious.

Rare meat tends to be tough and stringy; as a card-carrying white person I like steak medium-well done.

If black people are so tough, how come you never see one riding a motorcycle?*

*source: Semi-Tough.

“Have you never tasted your own blood, when you have inadvertently cut a finger? It is delicious, isn’t it? For it tastes of nothing…”

Les Chants de Maldoror (1868) by the Comte de Lautreamont, certified white guy

White people don’t know how to barbecue?

Dry, tough meat is unpleasant; moist, tender meat is much nicer. That means rare to medium rare, barbecued, or a stew, and rare to medium-rare is faster and/or easier.

I don’t believe I’ve seen this on the “Stuff White People Like” website. So have Black folks found a new source to learn about white people in their natural habitat?

Truth be told, I like raw meat, too, but usually don’t trust a piece of meat enough to eat it raw. Yeah, I like my steak rare.

Er, most roasts are better if they aren’t over-cooked. I like to cook a roast so the outside is well-done, and the inside is very rare. Then I give the outside to my husband and mother, who like over-cooked meat. And I eat the inside.

There are more food safety issues with chicken and pork than with beef and lamb. I like my chicken a little less cooked than most people, but I cook it until it is white and hot through, because I don’t trust un-cooked chicken. I used to be terrified of undercooked pork, but USDA regulations have pretty much eliminated trichinosis from commercial pork in the US. There are only about 10-20 cases a year in the US, and almost all of those are traced to wild game. So now I sometimes eat it when it still has a touch of pink, and it’s much tastier that way.
