Why do you chose a game system over a pc? (Besides cost)

With the flexibility of editing games (patches), the fact that you can move from one system to an upgrade and bring along your favorite games (no matter how outdated they are), the fact that the system can be used for other things as well (yes, I know some game systems can do other things such as internet access, so this one is a maybe).

So, why?

Not trying to put down anyone with a game system, I am just curious on why one would decide to go with that.

Well, probably not the answer you’re looking for, but in my case…

Macintosh = computing. Console (PS2 and Xbox) = gaming.

I find that, even with the handful of games that are available for the Mac, I just prefer playing on the consoles. Why? Not sure. Just do. More comfortable.

Computers are for work and communication plus games have always dicked around with my computer with their dependencies and needing to download 100+ meg patches and not having the right hardware in the first place.
Plus games on consoles end up being more fun. I don’t care about multiplayer either, if I wanted to play with other people I’d go outside.

Disclaimer: I’m a rabid PC gamer, and the only console I still own is an Atari 2600. I had a Dreamcast, but loaned it to my brother-in-law two years ago and never bothered to get it back.

If I were to pick a console over a PC, it would be for the following reasons:[ul][li]Stability. Far, far, far fewer worries about crashes, system lockups, hardware incompatibilities, device configurations, memory management, disk space, et cetera.[]Time investment. Almost all of the PC games I play can’t be jumped into and out of quickly. There are some exceptions, of course (just ooooone more round of Civ2) but on the whole, a console game has little startup time, and can be exited quickly and gracefully.[]Cost. Though PC systems are dropping in price, even a bare-bones system will cost more than a typical console, while games are roughly on par, price-wise.Multiplayer. Yes, nearly every PC game these days has multiplayer on it, but I defy you to get four (or more!) people at a party playing the same game simultaneously on a PC without hotseating or setting up multiple computers to play over a LAN.[/ul]Etc, etc, etc. Yet I still don’t own a console and I spent more money than I should getting PC games. I disagree with anyone who says that a console is better than a PC or vice versa – it’s just that they fit different markets, and sometimes those markets overlap.[/li]

If I want to have a couple firends over for beers and NFL2k3…

PC: We have to move all the stupid uncomfortable chairs into the small computer room where we can all sit upright and look at a 17" monitor

Xbox: We can all seat on the couch/loveseat comfortably and play on a big tv.
It’s more relaxed. I don’t want to sit a a desk while I play video games.

Console games were the games that I grew up with. My computer was too crappy to play games. It seems like most PC games seem alike to each other, and lack the originality that I see with console games. I’ll never play the Final Fantasy series on the PC, because there’s a better feeling with a controller in my hand, sitting on a couch or chair, than sitting one foot away from my monitor. Another reason I’d prefer console is that you can interact with friends personally, rather than at home, online, where you are usually text, or maybe a voice.

I don’t own any new game system now because I’m a cheap ass, but take away the cost factors, I’d much rather have a console than PC games. Why? There seems to be more novelty in a game system, because that’s what it’s for, playing games, where as the PC you have so many different things you can do on it.

I know you said “besides cost”, but seriously, if I have to buy a $150 video card to play the latest games, why not just buy a Gamecube? So I did. And I managed to get another few years out of my PC system in the process.

Besides that, the games work. You don’t miss the lack of patches, which says a whole lot about the stability relative to PC games. Also, my Gamecube is hooked up to my entertainment center. Better display, better speakers, and a better seat (couch vs. office chair). Online was nice in college, but I think I’ve outgrown that. Getting my ass kicked by 16 year olds who play Counter-Strike for five hours a day just isn’t much fun.

Plus the games are better, and isn’t that what it’s all about?

Its all about the franchises for me. Yeah The Sims and Half-Life might be fun, but they still arent Zelda, Metroid, or Mario. Those kind of games were designed for the consoles, and I personally wouldnt have it any other way.

Plus, I like the idea that they will never crash, nor will It ever slowdown because I have too many other games. Metroid will always be locked in at 60 fps despite how many other games I have for my Cube. However, If I put more than 3 games on this piece of crap computer, I’m down into 30 fps or less.

Thank you, all. I now see why the non PC systems have a market and now understand why one would purchase one.

I prefer PC games, but I really hate sitting down to play a game and having to dick with my computer for 2 hours first. Installing/Patching/Troubleshooting can be a little frustrating.

Also, I have to set up a dual boot as my XP machine won’t play my pre-98 games very well.

I still like PC games though. I find a mouse and keyboard to be a much more responsive interface (for RPG’s and FPS’s. My favorite genres) than most console gamepads.

That’s it in a nutshell for me. I sit in front of a computer all day at work. I play video games to relax, and sitting in the same position at home that I just spent 10 hours in at work is not relaxing.

I play my PS2 while sprawled out on the floor or slouched on the couch.

Plus, if I’m playing a game, my wife can still be on the PC so I’m not hogging it all night. Makes for a more pleasant marriage.:slight_smile:

Whoops. Hit submit too soon. I was also going to say that I’m not really a fan of the type of games that dominate the PC market – first person shooters and real time strategy. They don’t really do much for me.

Consoles have a much better selection of sports titles and platformers (Jak and Daxter rocks!), and it’s a lot easier to play two-player Madden with my son if we are both sprawled in front of the TV than if we had to crowd around the computer.

You may want to play Ratchet and Clank which is a heckuva lot better than Jak and Daxter.

Funny you should mention it – Ratchet and Clank is next on my list of games to get. I’d probably have it already but I blew the money in the video game budget on Vice City last month:)

To add to the list, I have a console because:

  1. I wanted a DVD player, the console was a fair price to pay.
  2. I would have to spend more money on the puter to upgrade it for good game play.
  3. I know that any game produced for my console will run, I don’t have any problems with getting games that the hardware can’t handle.
  4. My CD player was getting old and has since died, the console covers this as well.

I would like to state that the PS2 isn’t meant for watching DVDs even though it has that capacity. The motor burns out easily if it’s in constant use like playing a three hour platinum edition of some movie full of extras and commentary. I have no idea if the same goes for the XBOX or not. I thought to myself that I’d be killing two birds with one stone getting a PS2 but I don’t watch many movies and the ones I have are on tape plus I don’t want to ruin one of my meager sources of entertainment by burning out a motor.

when I get a job, I’m seriously considering getting a console, but I’m not sure if I want dreamcast (I can play Soul Calibur and Puzzle Fighter 2 ALL DAY) or an X box, or a PS 2. I can fully see the advantages of getting a console, cause frankly, I’m getting tired of 20 fps.

My shoulders.

For some reason, playing games on a tv makes my shoulders feel much much better than playing on a PC.

Plus, games, cause the games I want to play aren’t on a PC.

For the record: I have a launch PS2 and watch quite a lot of DVDs, and have never had a single problem with it. With the wide variation of stories I’ve heard about people and the PS2s, I can only conclude that your mileage WILL vary quite a bit (I guess depending on which shift at the Sony plant made your PS2).

Honestly, my choice to make the switch from PC gaming to PS2 gaming was cost. But I do love the 100% compatibility the most. It’s great to not have to fiddle with drivers and patches and system requirements anymore. PC gaming isn’t going anywhere, but I do think it is going to become decidely more niche as consoles and televisions become more powerful.