Why do you come here?

Nobody gave me any cookies. :frowning:

Forget cookies, I like the squid.

I came for the healing waters…

What, he got banned there?

C:\Users*YourUserName*\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files

I am not odd or eccentric.
No, not at all.

<cue crickets>
OK, ok, ok.
Hello, my name is Gagundathar and I am a Doper.

I convinced a judge this was community service.

Occasionally, very occasionally, well once in a great while, okay hardly ever, but you never know when, someone will ask something and I will say to myself “I always wondered that too.”

For me it’s more;

“Gee, I never would have even thought to ask that! But now, I MUST know the answer!”

Because conversations are had on here that are too weird to have anywhere else. If you ignore the folks getting worked up over stupid things*, you get to learn about gourmet cannibalism and every other crazy hypothetical imaginable.

A lot of the stuff elbows said, too.

And not going to lie, I really like good usernames. I come here partly for the usernames. Maybe that’s kind of sad, but sue me. There are some posters I practically hate but love the sound of their usernames.

  • Whatever your definition of “stupid things”, on a board this size, there will be a lot of folks getting worked up about them.

I’m a mod. They pay me. Handsomely.

Because just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in.

You mean I don’t have to?

For new ideas and opinions, with minimal flaming. There are a lot of bright OCD types here.


“I laughed I cried, it became a part of me”.
(Selma Diamond quote from her role on night court.)

I come here because posts like this make me laugh.

I’ve gotten a lot of great recommendations for movies, music, funny websites, and similar stuff from this forum. The pedants and grammar nazis can be annoying sometimes, but they do tend to cut out some of the more egregious riff raff that is ubiquitous on other forums I’ve seen. I’ve also, believe it or not, even learned a few things from reading this forum.

To kill threads.

Yeah, pretty much. I find myself going to Reddit more often now, though.