Why does Donny Osmond irk the shit out of me?

I don’t know (but I bet it can be found out by googling) that Donald has about 4 sons.
So he does know about sex.

He does seem happy, then again, so did Kathy Lee.

As for oral sex, LDS believe its wrong even in marriage.
I’m pretty sure thats what was told to me by Mormons.
Monty may correct me if I’m wrong.
To each their own, I say, though it does sound somewhat Andrea Dworkinish to me.

Monty, it’s DONNIE OSMOND! C’mon, he ASKS for it!

You know, Donnie never said he didn’t GIVE a blowjob…just that he hasn’t RECEIVED one. Hmmmmm…

On a scale of zero to Elvis, Donnie Osmond rates about a Debbie Gibson minus three.

I wonder if the first time he had sex if he kept whispering “This is the place”.

better than whispering “Crazy Horses WWWWEEEEEEERRRRRR. WEEEEEEEEEEEERRRR.”

To get back to the question…Donny irritates me because he’s the “cute baby” of a group of singing siblings. Michael Jackson STARTED irritating me on the same basis, but he has gone on and given me further reasons to dislike him. I really dislike groups of singing underage siblings, both on the “cuteness” factor (I don’t think they’re all that cute) and because I think that it’s creepy and possibly abusive. What NORMAL parent would think “I know! I’ll market my brood as a singing group!”? Those kids don’t have a normal childhood, and quite possibly are simply the product of stage parents.

People who have a public persona of “I’m just as wholesome as apple pie” also irritate me, and of course Donny falls into that group. From everything I’ve read, though, he’s actually a pretty nice guy, and pleasant to be around, so I try not to grate my teeth TOO much when I think of him. There are so few genuinely pleasant people around, perhaps we should cut him some slack.

wadr, Lynn, I believe that the Osmonds added in an ever more pathalogically cute ‘youngest’ with “Jimmy” (and I also believe that Marie is younger than Donny), so we’ll have to find some other reasons for your objections, ok??? (we’ve already started a list)

I have also figured out that part of my irk is that I do not think they are that sincerely nice. From interviews I’ve read here and there, I get a smug vibe but someone else may not. I also remember seeing Marie interviewed (I could have sworn it was by Larry King, but I could not find it in the CNN archives) when she came out with her depression book and she sounded like a complete fucking, stuck-up MORON.

straight line…:wink:

Well, I find the Osmond Family quite entertaining.

Sometimes I am entertained by actions, facts, etc. of their doing that weren’t necessarily designed with entertainment in mind, but it would be unfair to say that I didn’t appreciate a few of their antics that were intended for the public.

I heard that whenever they check into a hotel as a family, they demand an entire floor to themselves and the like and treat the staff like shit.

I heard that they eat puppies.

Thanks, Tradnor. Now if I ever hear that song again, I’ll also be hearing Homer Simpson. [homer]Mmmm…puppies.[/homer]

My mom’s a big fan of the Osmond Brothers and my middle name was drawn from my dad’s crush on Marie.

Weep for me, chilluns.

I’d kind of like to see a site on the Howard Stern thing, too. Are you sure he didn’t say something like, “I wouldn’t humiliate my wife by discussing our private sex life on TV with Howard Stern.” I would actually have a lot of respect for him if he had said that.

I personally have nothing much against Donny. I don’t even think about him from one day to the next. He and Marie were massively irritating when they hosted the Miss America pageant a few years ago. But, then, the Miss America pageant is supposed to be irritating, so I don’t hold that against them.

My sister and her family live in Utah – around Provo – but they have no particular Osmond stories to report. Other than that the whole family is supposed to be pretty nice. Except Marie’s first husband. My sister was a student at BYU during at the same time as he was and says that he (the first husband – some kind of athlete, I believe) was a real jerk. A big-man-on-campus, lord-it-over-the-little-folk style jerk.

Your middle name is Olive?? That’s Marie’s real first name.

Someone kill me for knowing that. Please.

Frankly I’d like to see a cite too, unfortunately I haven’t been able to find one. However going just from memory he did in fact answer Howard’s questions, and if you’ve ever listened to Stern you know he won’t let a sexual quesiton go unasked.

As I recall the comment on humiliation came after Howard had asked him a few times if he’d had anal sex or a blowjob and DO kept saying no, no, and no. Howard kept going on and on about how available sex is to stars, and DO said something about sex and marriage, then Howard said “But how about your wife, you’ve never asked her for one?”, and then he made his comment. Like I said, trust my memory or not, that’s all I have. Maybe someone can write DO a fan letter and ask him his views on blowjobs.

Hmm, you know, bayonet1976, that’s kind of a good idea. We could find his email and send him a link to this thread… Except it’s kind of insulting to him. I wonder if he’s answer?

Furthermore, and I didn’t mention it before – Howard Stern is MUCH more irritating and creepy than poor old Donny. It’s kind of sad, really, that a nasty guy like Howard Stern should be deemed ‘cool’ while a happily married, decent, father of several such as Donny is pretty much catagorically uncool.

Howard Stern goes beyond irritating and lands smack dab in the middle of nauseating.

Well, there. I found Donny’s official website and sent him off an email with a link to this thread. I wonder whether we’ll hear back? I’m sure the email doesn’t go directly to him, but rather through some middle-person. But maybe he’ll get it anyway and want to clear this deathless question up for us.