If you accept the existance of an Almighty Being with purpose in His creation, why does He make babies to bring into the world which are burdens to others?
Babies which may end up euthanized, aborted, abused, institutionalized, or otherwise ends up some way unwanted.
God doesnt make them all. I know a few women who used drugs that had babies with severe birth defects, and I am not talking about prescribed medication like Thalydamide.
If you believe in G-d, then you also know that our time on Earth is very short, compared to a timeless existence. I don’t believe any of the evil, or pain or any of the bad stuff has anything to do with “free will” or original sin. I think man came up with those concepts to explain why bad things happen, but it’s not true. We’re here to experience, learn, grow and become what we were meant to be. It’s kind of like the process of forging metal. You heat it and hammer it and when it cools, it’s stronger. All of our experiences, good and bad are actually gifts from G-d. To make us become all that we can be. When the bad seems overwhelming and hopeless, it just means you need to jump in and help someone. We’re not finished yet. We’re still in the process of being created.
Are you telling me that G-d had no control over what the Devil did. The devil rebelled and G-d was powerless to stop him? So much for omnipotent. :rolleyes:
Of course Satan has free will, and he chose evil and darkness. He chose to rebel against God and took some demons with him. People also have the choice to choose good or evil, to join God’s team, or Lucifer’s team.
Back to the original question.
Human bodies are amazingly complex with uncountable interdependencies and so many things that could go wrong. Any student of anatomy and physiology, or anybody in the medical sciences can tell you that.
Actually, God “created” Adam and Eve, the first people, who did not have birth defects, and who had good genes which did not produce birth defects in their children. The first humans had no recorded diseases or defects, and lived a very long time - hundreds of years.
What you are seeing today, is thousands of years of humans polluting, tinkering, misuse of sex and other things, and in general, abusing their bodies and their genes.
Taking drugs, abusing sex, putting your hand in the fire, jumping off cliffs, driving without your seat belt, not eating or drinking healthy foods, etc will all cause harm to your body, your body is not superman.
God is not the one that is doing that/harming/destroying your body and your eggs and your genes, YOU are.