This is probably really stupid, and it shouldn’t bug me, but it does. Most of the time I do a search, either for New Posts (by clicking the button) or by my username, to see if a thread I’ve posted to has any new replies. I then get a list, with open envelopes and/or bold type to tell me there’s a new post. When I’ve read it, the next time I search, it will be a closed envelope and/or fainter type to let me know there are no new posts.
Except sometimes it doesn’t work like that, and I still see it as if there is a new post when there isn’t. So, unless I remember the number of posts in the thread last time I checked, I’m running the poor hamsters ragged opening up threads I don’t need to.
It seems like these happen in a group - there will be several threads in one day which do this to me (this happened yesterday) or there will be one persistent flagger that won’t believe me, but all the others respond nicely (this is happening today).
What’s up? SDMB glitch? My computer glitch? Vampire hamsters?
Cookies are tricky things. You may want to try clearing yours out, or trying another browser (I don’t have any problems with Opera).
Also just FYI - you should use the “subscription” feature - it’s much easier than searching for your username. Go to your options page and look for the Default Thread Subscription Mode section. Set it to “No Email Notification.” From then on, all threads you respond to will automatically be added to your list.
Then, bookmark your User CP and use it as your first stop at the SDMB. Any subscribed threads with new repsonses will show up on this page. If you’re afraid the cookie problem is still occuring, you can click “View all Subscribed Threads” to show everything you’ve subscribed to (even if the system thinks there are no new responses). When a thread is no longer worth watching you can unsubscribe from them there as well.
WhyNot, when the board does that, ask yourself whether your really read the post. Not just read the post, but read it and understood it–drew all possible meaning out of it.
The board does not tolerate half-assed skimming of posts. The board doesn’t just check reading, but also comprehension. If it says that you haven’t read a post, perhaps it would be a good idea to go back and re-read it to see if you’ve missed something important.