Why does the Oracle in THE MATRIX have any credibility?

No, I’ve learned my lesson from your Pit thread on that guy who was watching Irreversible on his computer screen at work. Yeah, I didn’t really need to know about the existence of that movie and am not really sure why it should be valued for what seems to be a graphic, brutal rape scene. I understand the whole reverse shooting thing; I saw something similar in that movie where he has no long-term memory and takes photographs and writes notes and gets tattoos to remind himself. I don’t think we need to show the rape scene in such detail. Not that I have seen it. Reading about it was enough.

Well…as far as horror films go, I guess Alien is pretty good. Only seen it once, and it did scare the bejeezus out of me, but I was nineteen and more of a scaredy-cat. Aliens, though, actually works really well as a sci-fi thriller, except for the parts where they make stupid dumbass decisions because, well, it’s a horror flick. Ripley is badass and the coolest character other than…Hicks? (I always get the name confused with Hudson).

I despised Aliens 3 because a) they set it up so the people you were totally rooting for in Aliens died instantly, off-screen, with no reasoning behind it, and b) it was such a fucking depressing ending. I don’t necessarily ask for happy endings; I mean, it’s horror, but I like to have complete endings and a rhyme or reason why things happen. Suicide is generally right out.

I wouldn’t put Irreversible in the same category as I Spit on Your Grave. The former is actually a very good movie with a horrifying but justifiable scene in the middle; moreover, if you’re watching on DVD, you can just say, “hmm…okay, she’s going into the tunnel…I’m gonna follow Skaldimus’ advice and jump to the next scene” and you’ll be able to follow it without vomiting. And it has a point, something valid to say about the vicissitudes of life.

Spit is pretty much the scene tunnel scene from Irreversible repeated 6 times, each worse than the last. Its creation can be best explained by assuming Mephistopheles had the flu one day, didn’t feel up to inciting any literal atrocities, and just phoned that it to meet his evil quota.

It’s the only way the Neo’s powers in the “real” world at the very end of the series makes any sense.

You forgot the time-honored radioactive spider explanation. Or he could have been the son of a man who worked on the first atom bomb experiment.

Graphic, brutal rape in movies is like vomit to me. You can depict it without actually having to show the icky stuff, and showing it definitely reduces the “level” of the movie. I will not be watching Irreversible, I’m afraid.

I mean, it’s not like objectively I can’t understand that it does have a point…bu nasty rape scenes really give me a knee-jerk reaction.

Ok, I’ve hijacked your thread, so I’ll go on to say this and get us back on track: traditionally, everywhere I’ve read, Oracles do not just come out and give you an answer. The Oracle from the Matrix was simply following the “rules” of Oracles: be a guide, not a leader, and educate, not instruct.

What fuels these mortals be.

That may be, but it does not, in fact, adequately counter my previous statement.

Demonstrating that our tastes are not incompatible, as I declined to watch, among others, Boys Don’t Cry in its entirety for that very reason. This despite my entirely unchaste love for Hilary Swank.

Quite right. The Oracle wanted them to make up their own minds and use free will. The problem was, Morpheus believed the prophecy was some sort of checklist that would get rid of the machines if he just followed it precisely.

The Oracle humors him by telling him to be at the Merovingian’s restaurant at a specific time, even though the time doesn’t really matter. The Merovingian mocks him by pointing this out. Does Morpheus get it? No, because he says “What happened, happened, and couldn’t have happened any other way.” It’s Destiny, don’t you know.

So, when Neo inserts Key A into Door B, it doesn’t automatically solve everything. Neo says, “Oracle, why didn’t you tell me what was behind the door?” She basically says, “Because if I did, you would have asked which door you should choose instead of making a real choice for yourself.”