Why does winter have so little in common with the winter solstice?

Not sure about the rest of the world-------but here in Floriduh—our coldest months are in January and February. December is pretty nice. And November is very mild. Things start to warm up in March.

So why is it that December the 21st is not the coldest day of the year- pretty much everywhere.? —After all we are talking about the winter solstice.

—seems like it should be that way. And it should be that November is also colder than hell. January should be colder than hell. February should be noticeably milder—similar to November.

Is it because of upper atmospheric air currents or ocean currents that changes things----from what should be most obviously that Dec 21 would be the coldest day of the year?--------and it should “mild out” from that date both ways equally?

he earth has a certain amount of thermal mass and takes a few months to cool down.

“The earth” not “he earth”.

The Master Speaks on Part of This. The main answer is that the earth is a giant heat sink. Land, and especially the water take time to warm up and cool down. That causes about a one month delay in the periods of longest and shortest dark with the corresponding temperatures.

Well that makes sense.


C’mon up here, where everything makes sense.