Why does www.fbi.gov work?

it is always down

Works for me.

Works for me. Try the link.

It prevents hacking. :smiley:

it doesn’t work for me

i get the typical IE error message when i try to go there…wtf?

What “typical error message”, exactly?

Probably this message :).

Sounds like your ISP’s web cache is the problem. I had this happen a few months ago with www.download.com and ended up having to change which web cache I used.

Kal - how do you do that? And…what’s that mean?

http://homepage.ntlworld.com/robin.d.h.walker/cmtips/trancache.html is where I got the information to fix my problem, however it is just aimed at my ISP here in the UK. You never know, some of the hints may help you out. Check out the topic - “Sidestepping the transparent web proxy caches”

What is a web cache? Here you go:

Hope that helps.

Works for me, too… but shouldn’t the OP read “Why doesn’t www.fbi.gov work?”