When my kids fight over a toy, it goes on top of the fridge. I think we should use a similar tactic with the Middle East peace summit.
"Barak, Arafat - You won’t compromise about Jerusalem? And your children and grandchildren will live in fear of being killed every freakin’ day of their lives because neither of you will BUDGE?! Extremists are threatening to to pull a Sadat on either leader who gives up any concessions about Jerusalem.
Enough already. If you can’t agree on it, then we’ll nuke it.
Then they wouldn’t have anything left to fight about, would they? All over a pile of sand. Holy land my ass. I’m sure this pile of sand really matters to God/Allah.
Or we could just put up 1000 miles of fence around the whole mess and let them slug it out amongst themselves. Anytime there is a lull in the action we toss in more weapons and take cover. After awhile, the most holy group will win.
Cool, so instead of solving the problem, we’re going to create a bigger one. I see the Arabs/Isrealites declaring holy way against us. Think terrorism is bad now?
Three months, two weeks, four days, 12 hours, 17 minutes and 45 seconds.
4380 cigarettes not smoked, saving $547.56.
Life saved: 2 weeks, 1 day, 5 hours, 0 minutes.
Hey, t would finally get the Jews and Arabs together. They could all band together and start killing Americans as a unit. It would be beautiful. Brings a tear to my eye. Kinda like when rival gangs declare a truce.
You plant a nuke in Jerusalem with a timer and allow, say, a week, for everyone to shut the fuck-up and come-up with a resolution. If they can’t then the problem solves itself.
The thousand mile fence idea is one I like as well. Jerusalem could become a kind of Thunderdome. You know…two men enter…one man leaves sort of thing except it’ll be 200,000 men enter, no one leaves. They can stay in there indefinitely beating the snot out of each other.
I know the real problem is difficult but when 99% of Arabs and Israelis probably just want to get on with the farming and saying a prayer that suits them now and again without worrying about a bullet in the night or a bomb on the street. It makes their leader’s bickering sound more and more like bullshit.