Why don't you like cats?

  1. I don’t mind someone else’s cat, but I can’t see a cat adding anything to my life. Cats baffle me more than anything.

  2. And so do cat owners. Cats can do any fricking thing they want to, including crap on the carpet, barf in your shoes, and piss all over the bed. Response?
    “Oh my goodness, FuzzyKitten must not like the new litter we bought! He’s sick! He’s upset with us! We must find out why he’s doing this and make changes!
    Dogs are trained to crap and pee outside, as they should be. If they don’t, they get yelled at. None of this fluttering around wondering what deep, psychological reason there is for pet piddle on the guest bed. Here’s why the cat does it: Because he can.

  3. Need you ask? :wink:

Because I didn’t care for Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical score.

I don’t know if I fit into the “level of aversion” outlined here. But I am not a “cat person.”

I don’t like the un-predictability of cats. The idea that one minute you can be having a nice purring/scritching session and the next minute you might be bleeding is a total turn-off for me. My dog can bite my hand off if she so chooses but it’s not an on/off thing. I can see it coming a mile away.

Also, being a dog owner, I am used to “OMG U R HOME! WHOEVER U R! I LUV U SO MUCH!” when I or anyone else come in the door. This has been my experience globally with dogs but only a small fraction of cats react this way.

My best friends have 2 cats. They are the loves of their lives. The cats interact with my friends and they kiss and cuddle. They are happy to see my friends when they get home.

But when I come over to my friends’ house, the cats are gone. We have to plead with them to hang out. Even then, they just want to stare at me, not cuddle. If I manage to touch them there’s a good chance I’ll get bit or scratched.

That’s totally not for me.

1) Describe your level of aversion to them:
They’re pointless —> They bug —> Get the gun!

Maybe not a gun… how about a Taser?

2) What specifically do you dislike about them?

[li]I’m allergic to them, so my breathing sounds like a kazoo within about ten minutes of being around them.[/li][li]I have never had a cat in my lap for any length of time without it digging its claws into me.[/li][li]They stink.[/li][/ul]

3) Do you like ANY kind of terrestrial pets?

I like dogs. They play with you.

It depends on the cat. Barn cats are great hunters. My parents have 4-5 any any given time. They keep the mice, rats and snakes out of the feed.

House cats are a different story. I find house cats pointless. We had a mouse who chose to take shelter in our house one winter about 5 years ago. We found him under the kitchen sink and tried to catch him to release him outside. After 20 minutes of trying it was behind the upright piano and I was tired of being nice.

I brought the cat over. He found the mouse’s scent walked over to the piano, looked at the mouse hiding behind the piano and then walked out of the room. I pulled the piano away from the wall and called the dog (a young beagle). She ran over found the mouse and ate it.

As I’ve said before, I consider cats to be nothing more that fur-covered reptiles, especially since the only thing that my ex left me when she split were my son’s two cats.

  1. Get the gun!

  2. Absolutely no loyalty whatsoever. I get so tired of the “this is my I’m-rubbing-on-you-because-I-want-something” routine, I feel like pulling the trigger. Seriously. The hair. The smell of the litterbox. The balloon knot staring at you. The yowling to be let in. Then out. Then in again. Going outside for 3 minutes? Know what happens while you take out the trash? Mr. Short-term-memory will think that you’ve magically gone to work, put in 8 hours, and since you’ve just walked in the front door, it must be feeding time!!!

  3. Anything but cats. I’d rather have Ants. Or Cockroaches. Shit, I’d rather have ants AND cockroaches. (no roach horror story necessary; I used to live in El Cajon)

I have two dogs that are said to have been bred to get rid of rodents. Unfortunately, they tend to think birds, lizards, frogs and every insect are rodents. I have no doubt mine would have done the same thing as your beagle to that mouse.

Oh, and I dislike cats…would never own one and don’t get the point quite honestly. They don’t seem particularly friendly, they poop indoors and you have to clean it up, they claw up your furniture and don’t act particularly happy to see you. Oh and people with cats always have hair all over their clothing…yuck. (I have dogs that do not shed)

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I hate cats.

You all have done a good job explaining why so far, so I’ll just leave it at that.

I’m with dactylic hexameter, that post could have been written by me.

Also, why do cat owners insist on keep telling me about their pets? I have a co worker who is very much into his and he repeatedly keeps me up to date on their daily lifes, even after I have made it clear that I hate the damn things.

They have no loyalty, no gratitude, and no respect.

I don’t hate cate… far from it. I have 2 cats of my own that I love very much.


If you compare a cat’s intelligence level to that of a dog… there is no comparason. My dogs think. The cats… not so much. Example- yesterday my Charlie Cat was begging alongside the Papillion, Cricket, for a bite of smoked sausage. I tossed a bite on the floor to Cricket… she followed it with her eyes and snatched it up. I handed a bit to Charlie… he sniffed and licked it as long as I held it for him. I got tired of holding, so I put it on the floor. He was like… hey, wait a minute… I wasn’t done with that! I pointed it out to him that it wasn’t gone at all. He resumed licking my fingers. “No, Charlie, it’s down THERE.” I physically made him look at it. He didn’t see it and went back to wailing for sausage, trying to lick my fingers.

Cricket found and ate the sausage.

Lovable, sweet and cuddly, yes. Smart? Um… no.

I have several cats and enjoy their company. But if I was hungry, I wouldn’t want to have to depend on cats as a food source. Dogs are much easier to catch.:smiley:

  1. Describe your level of aversion to them:
    They’re pointless —> They bug —> Get the gun!

They bug me.

  1. What specifically do you dislike about them?

I’m allergic to them. They make me sneeze and my eyes itch and water. They wake me up in the night.

  1. Do you like ANY kind of terrestrial pets?

I love my dog and just about everybody else’s dog too. If either of our 2 cats ran away, I wouldn’t shed any tears.

I’m interested that so many people are listing smell as a reason they don’t like cats since I that actually one of the reasons I prefer cats. In my experience dogs stink, cats don’t.

  1. Describe your level of aversion to them:
    I love them!.. from a distance.

  2. What specifically do you dislike about them?
    They make me sneeze. They poo in a box and stink up the place. I have to remember to feed them.

  3. Do you like ANY kind of terrestrial pets?

  1. Describe your level of aversion to them:
    They’re pointless —> They bug —> Get the gun! Between They bug and Get the gun – depends on the cat.

  2. What specifically do you dislike about them? They are annoying in that they don’t come when you call, they DO come when you don’t call; they rub against your leg in a very annoying manner and purr annoyingly; I am allergic to them; they remind me of snotty people who don’t care about others; they are not loyal like dogs; they can’t save you from anything; and this one is not cats’ fault, but cat people get annoying.

  3. Do you like ANY kind of terrestrial pets? Yes, I like dogs but I don’t have one, and I only like some dogs. Some dogs annoy me too, such as when they jump on you or get on you without you asking them to. I like snakes and other reptiles. I like fish. Generally, as pets I like animals that are not too much trouble and don’t stink.

That’s what I like about them; other than that, they’re pretty much furniture with legs. The worst thing about cats, though, is the drivelling they inspire from some of the people who own them.

  1. Describe your level of aversion to them:
    They’re pointless —> They bug —> Get the gun!

                                             X - actually, they hate me.
  2. What specifically do you dislike about them?

They hate me. I have lived, now, with four different cats. All of which were litter box trained. All of which pretended to be my friend.

And all of which used my clean laundry for a litter box.

  1. Do you like ANY kind of terrestrial pets?

Yup. Love dogs. (Not small, yippy things, but dogs.) Get along with ferrets, too. And as long as I don’t have to live with the cat in question, I like 'em fine.

Argh! That X was supposed to show up under “They bug” so it’s about halfway across the continuum, there.

Both stink. If you don’t notice the stench of cat piss, it is most likely because you are desensitized to it. I own neither a cat nor a dog, but I can smell either in the homes of owners, as well as on their clothes and hair. Aquaria, birds, reptiles, and other pets also have odors or varying strength.