Why Hallmark will never hire me or, inappropriate Mother's Day greetings

My mother isn’t big on Mother’s Day, but I needed a favor so I printed up a card for her that said this:
Happiest Mother’s Day, Mother!
And aren’t you in luck?
The two of us are coming over…
so we can borrow your truck.

Who else doesn’t have a future in card writing?

I got all mushy and made a card for Deb. I went to Paint and created a cover that said “For the Mother of My Children.”

Then I created the inside by “borrowing” an image of le Croix de Guerre.

(Hallmark won’t be calling me and neither will Cleveland’s American Greetings, Inc.)

One of my good friends is a new mother (twins, approx 12 days old), so I bought her a card and inside it wrote:

Babies are cute
Toddlers are hyper
Soon you will be
The Queen of the Diaper

Today, interestingly enough, is auntie em’s first day in her new job at Hallmark. So, yeah, they hired her. :smiley:

Happy Mother’s Day, you Mother.