Why is Diamonds02 limited to starting one new thread per week?

Is this real? Is it limited to the particular forum? I mean, I know Diamonds02 is an… (something I can’t say in this forum), but I can’t recall ever seeing this kind of restriction before.

I don’t wanna point out people who routinely start dumb-ass threads (aside from myself)… er, is it punishable to insult myself outside the Pit? But there are lots of us.

Jeebus, ban her if she’s breaking rules. Don’t make up new rules just to warn her and ban her over. And while she’s here, she is vastly entertaining in ways that maybe don[t say a whole lot of good things about my own mental state.

Yeah, when I think of people who’ve been starting way too many threads, she comes in third, at best.

IANAModerator. But this is one of those things where it’s like a last-ditch pre-banning restriction. They probably haven’t banned her outright because she has a reg date in what, 2002? I feel pretty certain if she keeps posting at the rate she’s been posting, then they will ban her. Maybe they feel that, despite admitting to trolling and lying on a regular basis, she is a sufficiently-valuable poster who warrants one last chance.

We’ve done this before with posters who started very large numbers of threads, and you can add to that the fact that most of Diamonds02’s threads are … how do I put this nicely? … either extremely trivial or of questionable veracity. Neither is against the rules on its own, but when taken to extremes, but become pretty annoying. By my quick count Diamonds02 has now started 20 threads this month, so we told her to please slow down.

Ellen Cherry is busy right now but she wanted me to point out that initially, she just asked Diamonds02 to start fewer threads. That instruction was made in a mod note on Thursday. Diamonds02 asked for a more specific instruction, so Ellen Cherry decided one thread per week was a reasonable number. Somewhat unsurprisingly Diamons02 then violated that instruction.

They are quite fun though. Even if diamonds is a troll (which I only dispute in the sense that I like to thinkk the best of people and she being an eccentric also meets the known facts) everyone basically knows what a diamonds thread is like.

Here’s a suggested restriction that is similar in effect but balances her impulsivity and creativeness: Every week she creates a thread where she comes up with all the threads she wants to create that week and diamonds fans vote on the one that they want to see the most of. She is welcome to roll over thread ideas to the next week.

Cites for these, please. I’m pretty sure that a non-mod making such a statement would get promptly warned for insulting the poster instead of specific posts. Right? What specific threads were ‘trivial’ (and in what sub-forum, please)? Which were of questionable veracity?

Please fight my ignorance on the standards expected so newcomers can learn the boundaries :slight_smile:

You can find her threads easily enough by looking at her user profile.

Wrong, since you quoted me referring to the threads she starts.

Although some of her threads have started some decent discussions, most are drive-bys. She seems to lose interest in her own threads very quickly and opens another. I’d have to say I agree with this. Its becoming a lot of background noise and its getting louder.

nm wrong thread

I’m a bit with Loach. As someone who pays little attention to usernames in general, her posts stand out, and not in a good way. But that’s just MNSHO, YMMV. Obviously many dopers like to indulge the inanity of the posts and the poster, I’m sure, loves the drama she causes, so I really don’t understand this limitation.

Is this decision based upon complaints made to TPTB by other posters? Is this decision based upon a TPTB decision alone? I guess what I’m asking is if the SDMB community finds the number of thread starts by Diamonds02 a bit much so as to warrant raising it with TPTB, which results in the restriction, that just makes sense to me. However, if the “annoyance factor” is internal to TPTB is that really fair, to Diamonds02, or even the SDMB community?

Having been a mod in other message boards, unless the protagonist really desires to commit suicide by mod, we allowed the community to judge their fellow posters as they saw fit, within reason, of course. Those who became such an annoyance to the community where the community itself was on the verge of their own “Arab Spring” meant an intervention.

I just don’t see where Diamonds02 thread starts is a potential suicide by mod. Is this jerkish behavior in its own right? I don’t think so. From her threads and the resulting posts by the SDMB community, I have to support D_Odds view, “Obviously many dopers like to indulge the inanity of the posts and the poster, I’m sure, loves the drama she causes, so I really don’t understand this limitation.

What we have here is Reeder Jr. Best to nip it in the bud before it goes completely Librarian poo.

Curse that poster for creating content on the internet, curse her with great curses.

20 threads a month? Ain’t nobody got time for that. It is indeed best that the moderators tell her to stand quietly in the corner, stop making noise.

(This is a ridiculous scenario, in case you hadn’t guessed. “You can only start one thread a week!!!” What is this, a fucking creche?)

That sounds pretty horrible to be honest. Who is going to enforce this restriction?

Did Ellen Cherry actually tell Diamonds02 that? Because she didn’t tell her that in the thread where she asked her to tone it down and Diamonds02 asked her for clarification.

See for yourself.

Yes, Diamonds02 asked for more specifics by email and was told to stick to one thread per week.

Posting Rules
You may post (one) new threads (per week)
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Seems a little odd I think.


No she didn’t. She told me to ease up, but never mentioned any specifics.

No I haven’t. I have not contacted any mods by email, I don’t think it is even active anymore.

I was never told anything about this rule until I posted that thread in IMHO yesterday.