Why is everyone busting on poor Eva Longoria's mustache in these pics?

I don’t get that either, and I won’t guess. Nor do I understand why some women refuse to shave when they have more stubble than I do. But the picture of Eva here is pretty normal, and it’s only because she’s famous and some people are small-minded (meaning the LJ group, not the OP) that anybody’s making a thing out of it.

And if any one of those photos ever gets posted in a “Dopers’ photos” thread, how many "How YOU doin’?"s, marriage proposals, "Have my baby?"s, "I’d hit THAT for a dollar"s, etc do you suppose it would get?

I’ll start the bidding at six thrillion gazillion.

Yeah, no damn kidding.

It’s almost enough to make you wonder if people are really being sincere in those photo threads . . .

Paraphrasing Aerosmith: Lady looks like a dude. :confused:

As a rule, women don’t shave their faces because the resulting stubble looks thicker and darker than the natural hair. However, many women do pluck, wax, or bleach facial hair.

Those women who don’t do so, presumably, aren’t bothered by it. Or maybe they just figure it’s too much effort to follow all the rules, when at the end of the day you will still be found lacking.

Elsewhere in that LJ thread a woman recalls her mother’s advice to “NEVER leave the house without eyeliner!” and scolds Ms Longoria for failing in this department. I’ve found myself in a discussion where women talk about how disGUSting it is that other women wear sandals without getting a pedicure first, particularly if they have long toes. I could go on. It’s always something.

First off, I had a good laugh that there is a doper that is on ONTD. Secondly, :eek:. I had no idea she was that strange looking without make up/ airbrushing. She looks like a dog in drag…

Well, why would a woman wear sandals without a proper pedicure? There are certain maintainence/hygiene issues that shouldn’t be ignored. I don’t care about the makeup and stuff, but I don’t want to see someones nasty old callouses and long yellow toenails. Barf

A basic level of grooming of your feet and toenails is different from a pedicure (polish, etc.) At least in my house.

I’ve never had a pedicure. *looks at feet, sees a definite lack of “nasty old callouses and long yellow toenails” * I must be doing something wrong.

Because she doesn’t care about other people judging her based on her feet, maybe. I don’t know - I personally don’t care for the colour of my toenails, so I always wear polish, but not offending other people with my unsightly, unpolished toenails or fingernails is so far down my list of things to care about that it doesn’t even register.

I was thinking more Freddie Prinze Sr.