Why is everyone busting on poor Eva Longoria's mustache in these pics?

First of all, this is In My Humble Opinion, not The Pit. I posted my opinion.

There are 3 different photos, so that lessens the chance of it just being a bad expression. I don’t mean moustache or no moustache makes a woman pretty, but the Eva in these photos looks almost nothing like the Eva you see on TV or the red carpet.

But I think this is an important lesson. Women, don’t think you have to look like the “TV and magazines” Eva. As those photos seem to show (IN MY HUMBLE OPINION), the face you see on TV isn’t her, it’s makeup. Ok, so the body is hers. But not the face.

Also, these people are celebrities, and therefore WE OWN THEM and we have every right to judge them. If they didn’t want to be judged and talked about, they shouldn’t put their face on TV. :smiley:

Makeup can make a huge difference in how you look. But when you say “the face you see on TV isn’t her, it’s makeup”, that’s simply incorrect (YOUR HUMBLE OPINION or not). You simply would not be able to take an average-looking woman and make her face look like that on TV with makeup, at least short of using Star Trek-style facial prostheses. Obviously she looks different without her makeup; I’m not sure how much experience you have with women, but, um, most of them do. It doesn’t mean you could make an ugly woman look as attractive as Eva Longoria by putting a little makeup on her.

The camera doesn’t lie! Or does it?

Shadows and lighting alone can make a natural beauty look downright ugly. Which is the real Eva? Of course makeup and lighting can make her look like a million bucks, but the same makeup and lighting make Charlize Theron look like a monster. Let’s face it, none of us has to try very hard to look unattractive. After I shower and shave and comb my hair, I’m a pretty handsome dude – but let me spend a hot summer day working in my woodshop, and I’m just another fat, smelly old fart.

And no, control-z, we don’t own anyone, celebrities or otherwise. Yes, they offer themselves for public consumption, and we have every right to discuss their public efforts openly and with all the malice and zeal we can muster. But I’ve never had any respect for those who try to own the private lives of public people.

The magazines here often have the "celebrities with no make-up !!!’ stories. Also ‘spot the celebrities’ cellulite!!!’
Don’t they do that anywhere else?

The moustache shows up a little more clearly in this picture.

See? I told you she’d still be hot with a moustache you could run a comb through.


That’s not mustache, that’s a Dirty Sanchez.

I think she just has the blotchy skin that tawny-skinned people sometimes have. Trust me, I know from mustaches on women!

-featherlou, light-skinned brunette

[Jerry Seinfeld] She’s a twoface! [Jerry Seinfeld]

I don’t find her attractive in the least (not ugly, just not pretty), makeup or not, so I don’t think she looks particularly bad in those photos.
Can you imagine what a pain in the ass it would be to have to put on your war paint every single time you left the privacy(if even that) of your own home? Maybe having to be the subject of threads like this is part of the reason actors are so overcompensated.

This is no attack on you, control -z. After all, I did come into this thread expecting an ugly picture and I did look at it.

Just looks like bad photography to me. Normally, she’s a very attractive woman. In these she looks positively jaundiced. Were ice cream to be in the same picture, I’m sure it would appear inedible.

Face it ;), androgyny is hot. My Sicilian grandmother had a mustache. I’m friends with dykes who proudly grow their beards and mustaches. Female hair removal is a multizillion dollar industry but we don’t talk about that, shh.

Talk about making something out of nothing. (I guess that’s the definition of gossip.) Everybody has facial hair, sometimes it’s visible on women. Big whoop.

I think in that case it was prosthetics (not just makeup) and fake teeth.

In the grand SDMB tradition, I think we’re going to need photographic proof of that. :wink:

They do, but it’s usually the more scandalous sheets like Star and Enquirer. People and Us gossip but they print more flattering pictures so we continue to look up to these beauty ideals. Except Britney Spears; there all bets are off.

What I don’t get is women with big moles and superlong dark hairs growing out of them. If I want to pluck it when I see it, why don’t they? Is there some significance (the women are saw happened to be Spanish)?

That woman is butt-ugly. A mustache might improve her looks.

Eva Longoria? Would you like to borrow my eyes, yours seem to be failing.

Moving thread from IMHO to Cafe Society.

I have nothing much to add, except that you did ask why everyone’s busting on her mustache! Heh heh heh… Would’ve thought that was pretty obvious… :smiley:
Yeah, me too!

That ain’t a mustache.

This is a mustache!

(and beard)

That bearded lady has a really beautiful smile.