Why is it...

Coldfire, there are beds available for people who are hard of hearing that shake at the wake-up time. Also, there are hearing dogs–just as there are seeing-eye dogs–that will “tap” their deaf owners to alert them to the sound.

I used to think the world was against me. Now I know better. Some of the smaller countries are neutral.

Laura’s Stuff and Things

Go back to the OP, people. LauraRae wanted to know, “What are your most frustrating ‘Why is its’?” She didn’t ask about your alarm clocks. (BTW, I don’t use an alarm clock unless I need to get up earlier than usual.)

Anyway, why is it that some people push elevator buttons more than once?

Those who do not learn from the past are condemned to relive it. Georges Santayana

Thanks Jab, I thought I was the only one who picked up on that one. Why is it that no matter what line I get in at the store, I always follow someone who has something without a price on it?

“Only when he no longer knows what he is doing, does the painter do good
things.” --Edgar Degas

Continuing that theme, um…Crackwhore, why is it that no matter what line I get in, it will be the slowest? Why is it that if I become the end of a very long line, by the time my turn comes, no one is behind me and there is NO more line? I hate that.

Why do I open my mouth when putting on mascara?

Why is it parents think they’re helping their children when they do the homework for them?

Why is it I can not keep the damn lizards alive? The last one would die right before our desert unit, dammit.

I used to think the world was against me. Now I know better. Some of the smaller countries are neutral.

Laura’s Stuff and Things