Why is my face upside down when viewed in a spoon bowl?

There is a very easy way to see the way other people see you, without a complex series of concave and convex mirrors. Simply get two regular mirrors, and touch them at the edges at a 90 degree angle. Look at the angle, and your face will be exactly opposite of the way you usually see it in the mirror, and exactly the way other people see you.

I am not who I think I am.
I am not who you think I am.
I am who I think you think I am.

The column that pennystheman referred to is found here:

Why does the bowl of a spoon turn my reflection upside down?

…and remember, duct tape fixes all your problems, big and small.

Fun with HTML (tutoral) : The True Sequal

Or go to Sears and look at the video camera display.

Poor, Monica, gave too much money at the last pledge period, (she is a KNONamous donor) now she can’t afford a hand mirror.Turn the spoon around and you’ll see me rightside up. I mean top side up , my right is my left. Turn it handle up and I don’t change at all. Dang! I got chili all over my lap now.

“Pardon me while I have a strange interlude.”-Marx