I am using Chrome on XP with 4GB and a quad core. I can open a hundred tabs on graphics rich websites and surf for days with no problems. But if I come here, and open more than thirty or so tabs, the system slows to a crawl, with Chrome popping up windows about non responsive windows etc. Worse, closing the window with the SDMB tabs does not return the system to responsiveness. It is like there is a major memory leak associated with this site. My only option is to reboot.
How can a site that is almost entirely text based fuck with my system so much? Why should a page that has a single banner and a few little graphics here and there eat memory like a pig? This is really getting fucking annoying. FOUR GIGABYTES!!! How can text fill up FOUR GIGABYTES?
I have NO problems keeping open approximately that many SDMB tabs (plus many others) in Firefox (with AdBlock+ & NoScript) on a MUCH MUCH lesser PC. So I doubt it’s site specific, IMO.
Not willing to go back to Firefox. It used to be ok, but now it is the very definition of cruftware. Way too many gewgaws for me. Worse than IE. That is why I am using Chrome.
And yeah, for me it is very definitely site specific. I hang out on Fark, and open dozens of windows from all kinds of sites and no problems, but come here and fuggedaboudit. Chrome whines after thirty or forty SDMB windows are open, and as I said, closing the window with the SDMB tabs does not return the system to usability. That is the very definition of a memory leak.
I am using Chrome to do the SDMB on a 4gb Quad-core with Vista 64 right now and it is fine. I think XP is the issue. I noticed I was having a problem with Chrome hogging memory on 1gb XP machine and I switched to Seamonkey.
I wonder if the google scripts have something to do with the fact that I noticed that a google search turns up things I posted on the SDMB a few minutes before?
First of all, if there’s a memory leak, it is much more likely the browser’s fault, not the site’s.
Secondly, you can see how much memory each tab uses by right clicking on the blue top bar and choosing ‘Task Manager’. Verify it really is this site that is using a lot of memory.
I have three tabs open, GMAIL, SDMB, and the web page I found to remind how to open the task manager. The SDMB is only using 23MB, whereas the others are using 56 and 84MB.
Speaking for myself, I have two groups of sites that I view every day. Once group is daily comics, the other is everything else I view daily such as blogs, etc. I like to start a whole group loading at once, so that as I read one of the quicker loading ones the slower ones load up. Each of my groups is over 50 tabs, I believe.
Why not? I often do much the same. Open SDMB, scan an area, and open the ones that interest me in tabs. Then I come back and read them through the course of the day.
Some folks like tabs, some don’t.
Who NEEDS the SDMB in the fist place? I hate the “Who NEEDS” statement. Just because it’s not the way you do it, want it, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t fit someone elses needs/wants.
I go to New Posts, go through the entire list and open up each thread that I’m interested in a new tab, then read them all. I usually have 20-40 threads open when I’m done going through all the New Posts.
Huh, I misread the OP, and thought only one tab was the SDMB, and the others were other sites.
But I see others have described how one could reasonably have so many SDMB tabs open. I typically go to a forum, and then open the threads I’m interested in into other tabs, and read them before going to the next forum. I probably end up having no more than ten SDMB tabs open, and usually less.
So you don’t have to keep going back to the topic list after you finish a thread, just close the tab and move on to the next tab. Also keeps the bolding on new topics from disappearing before I get to them all. It also gets all the loading out of the way so when changing topics you don’t have to sit there waiting for everything to load, it all loaded back when you were perusing the topics. Even just a few seconds per topic adds up.