why isnt _anyone_ blaming airport security lapses?

why isnt anyone blaming airport security lapses?

What lapses? The terrorists were using knives and “cardboard cutters” (according to a woman on one of the planes, before it… y’know… boom). These are hardly difficult to smuggle aboard. Most airport security focuses on finding guns and bombs… the aformentined instruments are neither.

Here’s an idea: Why don’t we blame the scumbags who actually did this? Is that too much to ask?

Because we don’t know who is to blame just yet, nor is now the time to start pointing fingers. There is much cleanup and rescue work in the immediate future. The time for investigations will come soon…just not now.

I think that today is not the day to assign blame for our failures…
There will be plenty of time to take stock of where we came up short.

Today is a time to mourn, and a time to share our grief with our families

My previous post was directed at the OP, not SPOOFE

My guess is because while airport security is pretty good, they’re not quite organized enough to plan an attack such as this?

As I said, just a guess.

The news stattion in my area IS blaming security lapses at the airport.

I’m not saying they should.

makes sense. thanks.

> Here’s an idea: Why don’t we blame the scumbags who actually did this? Is that too much to ask?

Makes no sense. Thanks for trying anyway!!

But in practical terms… how can airports and airlines protect themselves against something like this? Have a 7-day waiting period for buying tickets, so they can do a background check? Lock the passengers up in the compartments so that they can’t move around once they’re in? Refuse to let anyone carry anything that could be used as a weapon through security (fingernail cleaners/files, chopsticks, glass bottles of wine/soda, the list goes on and on)? Armed bodyguards at the door to the cockpit?

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The lapses in security may not have been in the airport personnel. I don’t know what the rules are for box cutters but it seems like a box cutter or knife could be easily disguised.

What concerns me more is that 4 COCKPITS were overtaken. How can that be??? Is there no security for the men and women at the controls?

Actually, I’m all for that one.


I had the distinct displeasure of watching our state officials backpedaling over the lax security at Logan at a news conference this evening.

Frankly, anyone in any way, shape or form associated with security in MassPort (Massachusetts Port Authority, hack haven responsible for Logan Airport, among other things) should be receiving a katana in their inboxes tomorrow, along with instructions on use. This agency is rife with corruption, featherbedding, nepotism and incompetence. It’s a fact that the FAA investigated Logan’s security and found it frighteningly easy to smuggle guns and pipe bombs(!) onto planes.

link to full article:

These swine deserve nothing less than to have to face the families their incompetence have torn asunder.

The FAA allows knives with blades under 4" to be carried on board, although many airlines set the limit at 3". It’s entirely possible that they didn’t have to smuggle the knives at all.

What bothers me is that such a small number of people, three to five according to CNN, were able to control more than ten times their numbers with such nonlethal `weapons.’ If the other passengers knew they were being hijacked long before the plane crashed, couldn’t they could have improvised weapons with golf clubs or liquor bottles or other legitimately-carried knives, and taken back the plane with their sheer numbers?

The passengers probably felt this was a typical hijacking, and that there was a good chance that they would get out of it alive. All the terrorists would have had to do was hold knives at the throats of a few passengers and threaten to kill them if anybody moved. I’m sure that 3 to 5 people would not be able to take control of an airplane full of people if those people knew that this would result in their certain death.

In the past I have bitched about the way travellers are treated by Israeli airport security, but I wish so much right now that US security was as stringent. They carefully interrogate all non-citizens heading out on planes from Ben-Gurion Airport. It is a very intimidating experience, and not at all pleasant, but it is also very successful in deterring would-be hijackers. I would be very pleased if the FAA would consider taking a cue from the Israelis in this. Like I said, it’s not fun, but I personally would rather go through the hassle of a half-hour interrogation every time I flew than to ever have anything like this happen ever again.


Like the OP?

Explain to me why “Let’s blame the security!” makes sense, while “Blame the guys who did this” does not. Are you suggesting that we should not blame the people who are responsible?

I know who is responsible. The terrorists who hijacked the plane. BLAME THEM. Just because they’re dead now doesn’t make them any less responsible.

But see, thats exactly what the terrorists want. The more that we change our lives because of this act, or any other act of terrorism, the more successful they will have been. The more we change our lives because of them the more motivated they will be to act again. I for one refuse to let the terrorist acts of yesterday, today, or tomorrow shape my life one bit. I refuse to live in fear. The United States has one of the most free and open cultures in the world, and I aim to keep it that way.

Mmmm…don’t you think increased airport security would decrease the fear factor? Seriously, security in the US is a joke. I’m not saying that it should become a police state, just there’s a middle ground. It is possible to increase security without giving into terrorists. And heck, it might actually save a few lives!

When I read your thoughts here it realy made me feel bad for a second to hear anger that you seem to be directing at each other. I write it off & do not criticize any of you for your thoughts and reactions to posts because I realize that we have differences of opinion & that we all feel extremely strongly due to the madness of the situation. It just made me think, isn’t this another victory for the Terrorists?

But to address the post, I think that the next step might be to take digital photos of everyone as they board & delete them if the plane flies w/out incident. Obviously this wouldn’t be very helpful in prevention, but it certainly would help with finding out the answer to the question on all of our minds right now… WHO DID IT!!! This, in turn, would get us more quickly to the demand on many of your lips, Justice.

The problem is that nobody’s really considered a small-bladed weapon to be any big threat in a crowd situation like an airplane. Airport security is directed towards guns and bombs, neither of which were used in this situation.