Why isn't the bed of my flatbed scanner flat?

Ok, it is, technically flat.

What it isn’t, though, is level, meaning that I’m having to resort to taping down old photographs in order to scan them.

Stupid scanner.

Not sure I understand. If the scanner is not level, you might try putting coasters or pieces of cardboard under the feet to level it out.

Well, tape was more handy.

The thing is, this scanner (3-in-1 printer, actually) is actually designed with a sloped scanning bed, which I think is immensely stupid.

Never heard of that. A 3x3 Post-It is probably the best way to hold the photo in place.

I couldn’t find any post-its, though I did think of that. A small bit of tape did the trick, but the whole process was tedious as I had about 100 photos to scan!

I guess I shouldn’t complain too much - I got this printer for just under $16 about 7 years ago. It was a $100 deal with a $100 mail-in rebate, so basically I got it for the cost of the sales taxes and postage.

I still think it’s a very poorly designed printer, though I admit it works pretty well otherwise.

A 7 year old printer that you virtually got for free?

Sorry, my sympathy evaporated after my million dollar printer died yesterday. it cost a lot more and lasted far less.

Like most things, the people who design these are idiots.

My scanner drives me crazy as well. The lid goes exactly to the edge of the machine. I scan a lot of things that overhang the edge, so they tend to shift as I close the lid. I want to press them down as I close the lid but I can’t. I have to lift my finger and that’s when it shifts. So scan, see it’s skewed, try again, and so on. If there were just a half inch on the edge of the machine that the lid didn’t cover, I could do it. After all, the lid only really needs to cover the glass, not the whole freakin’ top.

This is why, in college, I took to scanning things with the lid up.